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Myke Towers

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Posts posted by Myke Towers

  1. 12 minutes ago, Jason Jones said:

    I don't want a wipe now halfway through the year, with 5.0 being probably not even that far away, I generally don't like the idea of wiping so often, I'd rather only do it on a yearly basis.
    It is understandable that some cool features were developed, that would benefit from that, but I couldn't really see myself doing all these runs again, if we were to wipe.

    That's the whole point of the wipe, for people NOT to necessarily have to do runs and instead experiment with other money making ways, like the burglary system, lab, etc, etc...

  2. 2 minutes ago, Jason Steele said:

    I don’t mind an economy wipe at all really, as I think it’ll revitalize some unused/uncommon functions like drug box drops in the ocean or give a lot of use to the new burglary system for example. 

    I think a dice roll is honestly a bad idea, just because it seems so dumb to make a side be forced to suicide their whole team. I think the fundamental issue here is how majors are constructed in the first place, with indoor CQC in mind. Most majors make more sense to fight it out instead of stage this massive getaway plan. I’d love to see majors have a more “heist” feel to them and involve more open spaces in the outdoors. I do believe you have something like this in mind with the Aurora Labs concept of a different type of major/crime activity and things we haven’t even seen yet. 

    I would be against hiding player reports, there’s a real value with transparency of how everything is handled. The transparency of seeing the results gives me peace of mind that issues are handled fairly. 

    Being completely honest, I’m not a fan of the Kings Peaks map set up. Something about it seems off and the circular feel of the whole map made me feel tired of it quick. The pure infrastructure of Kings County roads and overpasses provided a much more satisfying look. I honestly wouldn’t mind some sort of new map that incorporated some of the aesthetics of Kings County but new at the same time with different cities and such. I also really enjoyed how each road had a name. No offense to the map developers but I just don’t believe Kings Peaks was a finished concept ever and I truly believe that map isn’t as enjoyable as Kings County because of how the map is set up. 

    For Takistan, I don’t really play it, either way is fine.


    Thanks for reading!

    You can do "heists", just grab hostages and ask for completion/free passage and fight outdoors, gives more stuff for HWP to do too :D

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  3. 11 minutes ago, Aleski Sokolov said:

    My Answers to the polls and why.

    1. I'm not for the wipe as iv only just started sorta playing before taki and only just got the cars I wanted. plus I won a few events and got a fair bit of money that I would like to use for a house or something like another truck. I have spent a fair few hours grinding to get what I have and with this taki grind thrown in as well I don't think I could be bothered doing it again. I play arma to have fun and RP not stare at rocks or gather something over and over again, I'd play DayZ in that case.

    2. / 3./ 4./ As for everything else I am all for it!

    That's the entire point of the wipe, for people not to necessarily have to do runs 24/7 and instead use the new systems like house robberies/lab/etc. :)

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Thomas Ivankov said:

    1.  Either way a wipe won't hurt me too much, as on one hand I'm not to far in money wise, Sure I have some gpus and like a truck but other then that I don't have much. I think the only really complaint I have with a wipe is the fucking grind that comes with it. I personally think that money on anzus is beyond hard to make when you are first starting out and that if I have to grind like I did when I first joined anzus I think would get burnt out in the blink of an eye. 

    2. Yes, 1000000% yes class 3's need to be back in the rebel shops. I think class 3's were decently hard to get before auction and the class 2's in rebel, I think adding some 3's back to rebel will make it more fun as if you lose a class 3 kit you're not extremely worried about where your next one will come from. Not sure exactly what you mean on overhaul for crafting making it harder? no thanks but if you make the system easier and more rewarding (i.e. more xp for guns and shit) then I think crafting will be a huge part of Anzus.

    3. This one I don't mind either way, I personally don't have a problem with the way that majors play out, But if it's for the betterment of the server for sure change it. 

    4. Yeah I definitely think that most people can agree that fighting cops after a while gets boring be that with different aspects of how cops play on the server or whatever but i think civ fights where both parties are just fighting for fun/control over another are or something like that is stupid fun. I think it will also be a lot more fun as both parties really have something to lose if they're friends die/bleed out as class 3 kits are decently expensive

    On another note please make money easier to get like I said I don't want to get burnt out because I have to spend 2 weeks of straight lsd runs to be even close to being at a stable bank account, And maybe rework the level system? Or keep the Taki level system but lower the amount of points you get per level? I think every one can agree that the level system is hell once you get into the higher levels on normal KP 

    I'd suggest trying out the new money making systems instead of just doing runs :)

  5. 1 hour ago, Loxxon Husky said:

    The only issue I see is that if you are a cop main and don't play civ very often you make less money. 

    We hardly make any money at all as an LEO, By all means if we had the Altis Life LEO pay check system would fairly make cop play enjoyable. 

    Hell we all started at 500K on Taki we had one NATO guy gone broke because there is no other way of making money on cop.


    Obviously paychecks need to be increased in taki, but not kings peaks. My loadouts on kp are 40-50k and I’m a decently rich cop main who dies a lot lol

  6. 3 minutes ago, Loxxon Husky said:

    At the moment we only make $3.500 for max paycheck perk.

    Now if cadets & Probi Troopers only get $3.500 that's fine but when it comes to full time officer for trooper it should be $4.500 Senior Troopers get $6.300 While Corporals get $7.500 SGTS can get $9.500. Above LT+ they all get $10.500.

    By all mean this is fairly of why you should stay in cop force.

    Medics make all the fucking money, Hell they got a pay check rise of $4.250 that is pretty good.

    You shouldn't be a cop because of the paycheck, It's just there to help you buy your loadouts/cars.

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