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Skym Radja

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Posts posted by Skym Radja

  1. 2 hours ago, Frank said:

    This would mean we need to wipe the database, I don't think people are keen on that.

    i would do a vote 

    also if they vote yes they people who log on within 24 hours get a free exstra 1.000.000 AUD (<--this can be debated about how much or at all)

  2. 3 hours ago, gaz smith said:

    make it take longer to rob store cause it take like 1 min to rob them and we cant respond in 1 min

    if you do that then nobody will rob them they are a luck of the draw if there is a cop in the neighborhood then they can respond and if there not you get some money(store robberys dont give you that much money considering that the guns are expensive)

  3. 18 hours ago, Frank said:

    also EMS applications are easy you put one in have an interview and you're in.

    i know but meaned make it so you can do it on the main page of the website like the rules and support tab
    (also add a report bug/exploit to the support tab on the main page)

  4. Im talking about the us/uk server

    I started less then a week ago on this server and here are my feeling about it.

    Its takes a long time to load into the server(with me the game also freezes and sometimes even crashes. the server also has alot of random lag spike when your in game.
    There alot of glitches in the server and no way to report those.

    the server is hard the map has alot of things on it wich is confusing for newer players there is not alot of information on what most of the things do( i still dont know some things ) 

    When you die its gonna take a long time to get revived since the map is so big and most of the time there are little to non EMS online (nobody buys CPR-kit because ther so expensive) so you end up losing all your gear if there no EMS online. I would make it more appealing to join EMS for newer players By giving medics a bigger payout when they revive people and make the EMS application procces easier for newer players, this makes the down time alot lower.
    (edit: also you cant see or know if a medic is coming for you the indicator is broken)

    in this server because the map is so big most of you time is spent driving a you die way to easy in vehicles you souldn't lose a tire and 25% hp when you hit a bush, also place more working busstop most people dont even know they work.
    i know this server give you hints in the chat but there easy to miss, there is alot to do on the server but most of the thing are not explained with causes for confusing situations.
    (last thing about car i personally think its more annoying then the helpfull that you can't access vehicle inventorys went your in them thought, but i get why its here)

    the first hours of the server is a grind a it get really boring,
    even with 50+ player the server feels empty cause the map is so big.
    a suggestion i have is to have random roleplay/safezone event where player can get some money by participating this wil make the server more populated.

    these are my thought on the server in my first week 
    hope it helps.


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