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Mikey Longmire

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Posts posted by Mikey Longmire

  1. TeamSpeak Name: Mikey Thayerer

    In-Game Name: Mikey Thayerer

    Steam 64 ID: 76561198401340311

    What experience have you had as a Medic before: 

    Anzus = Paramedic (Retired but would like to come in as Command to organize and make good the department)

    atlanticRP = Chief (Retired)

    Olympus = Paramedic (Retired)

    Evolution Gaming = Battalion Chief (Retired)


    Have you had any bans/warnings issued to you before on ANZUS Y/N: no I have not

    Do you have a suitable time schedule to be able to be active on both in-game and on the Forums/Discord Y/N: Yes

    How many hours a week could you dedicate to the server:  60+ hours.

    Have you read & understand all ANZUS Gaming Server rules Y/N: Yes

    Do you understand that filling out this form doesn't guarantee you a position within EMS Command or EMS in general Y/N: Yes


    about me and the things I’ll change: I’ve been a experienced medic for 4 years now from deifferent departments I have plenty of skills. I have my own google docs that I would probably like to use instead from a department before I used them. 1 or 2 units will be added to make medics do more productive things. Repair Reaponse Team (RRT) this would make most paramedics or even a new job would be added and a new uniform for the unit. Another unit I would suggestion would be Coast Emergency Response (CER) is great when people are stranded on the ocean surface or below. AI’s would be great for paramedics to do more things then sitting around patrolling. I spent more time as high command then being the rank Paramedic cause I choose and process new things like custom Handbooks, SOPs and Rosters. New questions and trainings will be different.

    Department Academy for Probi:

    Day 1: Training day 

    Day 2: Exam day (Must get atleast 15/20 right before proceeding)

    i do find interview unnecessary.


    Some docs I use and made: 

    FTO Handbook ( QnA will be changed so people don’t cheat and new doc will be made this one is just an example) 




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