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Steve Snow

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Posts posted by Steve Snow

  1. So, first of all; Thank you, to all the current developers, the ones that continuously put massive effort into these updates to make the community a better playground for all of us, the ones who put their idea's into their own form of development and bring those idea's to life, this also applies to the developers from the past, and the future developers of ANZUS. You lads are absolutely amazing and are a huge reason ANZUS is what it is today, thank you lads.

    Secondly, a thanks to the Community; the players; the thoughts and the ideas that you all bring; anything from something as simple as a Bug Report or a Developers Suggestion, the development team tries their best to work on all of this; one could agree not every one of these can be achieved, but they really do their best in bringing out the best of it; thanks for being here for as long as you all have; here's to any exciting ideas that are bought to the table. 👍

    • salute 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, Riley Harrison said:

    That seems like it would just break roleplay. The entire point of Arma 3 Life servers are basically Make Money, Rob People, Kill Cops, Repeat. Just seems dumb tbh. 


    ... If this is all you think of roleplay, then it might make more sense to join a wasteland server?

    5 minutes ago, Mitch Thompson said:

    Tbh if i had this do i lose it? cause i dont kill much in life im more for the passive RP side, so would that mean i keep it for ever?


    Read it again ❤️ "they keep their learner plates for a certain amount of time"

    • Like 2
  3. Name of query: Medical Blood Bags
    Description of query: Use the windows key on another hooman whilst holding a Syringe kit. Take the blood vials to the 
    blood bank in Melbourne and sell them back at the Medical Department for a nearing total of $5k per bag!
    Which icon to use?: Blood Bag
  4. Hello friends of the court,

    Due to the lack of Judge Applicants and in general Judges within the legal system.
    I have come to mind of removing the application process until we have a sufficient amount of judges on standby for any cases that may be held.

    SO for the time being, if you or anybody that you know would like to become a Judge please contact me; @Steve or @Robert Burns either on the website or teamspeak for an interview!

    Thankyou for your understanding, and good luck to anyone willing to hold this place, I hope to be seeing you soon.

  5. Applying for a Court Hearing



    IF sueing the AFP, please refer to this format.

    What is your name?:

    Were you arrested? if so what for?

    On what date at what time were you arrested?:

    Do you have some level of evidence to prove your innocence?:

    Do you require any compensation for your losses or time?:

    Please list the names of the Police Officers that arrested you: 

    Is there anything else that you would like to say?: 

    Do you have an attorney willing to uphold your case?:

    Have a chat with your attorney and work out a preferred date and time; place your answer here: 

    Who is your current attorney?: 


    I understand this is a legal document and any incorrect information will be seen as a criminal offence.




    IF sueing an organisation or a citizen, please refer to this format.

    What is your name?:

    Who or what organisation are you sueing?:

    Why is it in your favour to sue said human/ organisation?: 

    On what date at what time did this happen?:

    Do you have some level of evidence to support your claims?:

    Do you require any compensation for your losses/ time?:

    Is there anything else that you would like to say?:


    Have a chat with your attorney and work out a preferred date and time; place your answer here: 

    Who is your current attorney?: 


    I understand this is a legal document and any incorrect information will be seen as a criminal offence.


  6. In this application do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? : Y/N



    When can you be active?: 

    Give a short briefing of why you want to be a lawyer (30 words): 

    What would you like to achieve within your first two weeks of being a lawyer?: 

    Under the circumstances of a court case being held; what is the court area classed as?: 


    This is only temporary and can change at any time, feel free to make suggestions for a new application format. 

  7. In this application do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? : Y/N

    What is your name?: 

    What is your age?: 

    When can you be active?: 

    Give a brief summary of why you want to be a judge (40 words): 

    Do you have any previous experience being a judge?: 

    Would you be willing to take a test to achieve this position?: 

    During a trial, you come across a violent yet argumentative human in the crowd; what do you do?:

    This is only temporary and can change at any time, feel free to make suggestions for a new application format. 

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