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Nathan Smity

Senior Support [Arma 3]
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About Nathan Smity

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  • Roleplay Name
    Nathan Smity

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monkaS (2/8)

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  1. Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee Disciplinary Appeal Case Number: [Office Use Only] Texas Legislature Officer Presiding: [Office Use Only] NAME APPLICANT/Officers Name and GOV. DEPARTMENT (e.g. Texas Department of Public Safety) RESPONDENT **DISCLAIMER: IF POSSIBLE, YOU MUST FIRST APPEAL INTERNALLY WITHIN YOUR DEPARTMENT YOU MUST BE LISTED AS ACTIVE ON THE FLORIDA STATE POLICE ROSTER PRIOR TO DISCIPLINE (10 Hours a Week) TO PLACE A SENATE APPEAL** Information Trooper's Name: Nathan Smity Organisation: TxDPS Rank: Corporal Department: Customs and Border Badge Number (If Applicable): 206 Punishment you were given: 5x Demerit Points Grounds for Appeal (Why should it be overturned): The reason why it should be overturned is we where messing around and also the person that reported me was a off duty cop as well ex Command, as so he also was playing around to this he should of got off the roof even told many times to leave the border roof he didn't care and then after that sit he then made threats towards my career and then said *I'm going to report you to alshiq fatarra and James Chappers* but also from this I believe we both where messing around and actions toward the both of us where shocking but I know what I did wrong as so the person also did the same as well seeing this I want to make progress within CBP and I wish I could turn back but sadly I can't so I want to start a new leaf at this and I want to change for the better and progress among the ranks, to this I have never been given points before and I will say I have made some small mistakes here and their but I want to Properly change for the best. Any evidence to support this: No Have you requested reasons for your discipline (if yes, please paste them as a reply to this appeal): given 5x Demerit Points Do you know the case against you (have you seen the evidence)?: No Do you request the Florida Senate Disciplinary Appeal Committee obtain all evidence help by the government in relation to your case?: Yes Please link your original appeal which must have been denied here: IA
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