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Lee Bread

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Posts posted by Lee Bread

  1. Well sometimes it may not be as enjoyable as others thats why we have transfers and u can get out of JTF if its not what u like doing

  2. 29 minutes ago, Juan Penito said:

    +1 legit just got a charge for class 3 possession after being searched for illegal landing got sent to Alcatraz for 10 so i just got off , really boring prison i dont even want to wait 10 mins 

    We are never gonna do less then 10, if you do a crime and get mad when u get caught there is only so much we can do about that... i agree they were to long and thats why we lowered but there needs to be some risk

  3. i get this is a hot topic that everyone has a opinion on, and i know this was made after someone was afk in one and came back mid fight. Bearcats serve a specific purpose and they are op for anything else and that's why its so restricted. 

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