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Lee Bread

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Everything posted by Lee Bread

  1. i did not make this but was given permission to use it.
  2. The way i see it, new players are not effected by older players money. a wipe punishes those who were 4.0 day one players, i see what is being said about the new things being cooler if you don't have money but i think they will be just as cool and used just as much cause people never stop grinding. look at parker mans is cracked he could have stopped at 10 mil or 15 or 25 or 50 or 100 or 150 million but mans kept going. point is new players will be unaffected by the wealthy all a wipe does is hurt the people that poured hours into 4.0
  3. I do think there should be a wipe at 5.0 but not at each half mark cause 6 months is not very long
  4. 1. I don’t think a money wipe is needed with 5.0 right around the corner, the fact that people have so much that a wipe is being brought up means new players will have plenty of time to get as much. 2. I think it would be cool if maybe what ever side pushed got a bonus of some kind. That way no one is forced to push but you are then incentivized to push 3. Yeah why not. 4. Kings county ngl it just has a different feel, maybe that’s nostalgia but idk 5. Yeah taki was cool but the pop is way down so it’s not as much fun
  5. Personally I think wipe would be bad for 4.5 but a good idea for 5.0
  6. Name: Lee Bread Time played on 4.0: prob 100 hours a month or so. so like 800+ Do you have anything in the next two month(s) that will effect you being able to help testing: nope Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: absolutely Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (Any long term/trusted ANZUS members will not be required to do this) that’s fine
  7. Name: Jeff Davis Time played on 3.0: about 2 months or so Do you have anything in the next month that will effect you being able to help testing: I work midnights so my days are fairly free Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks:yeah Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (any OG anzus people will not need to do this) yeah
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