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Isaac Night

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Posts posted by Isaac Night

  1. I’m a member of MCD and I’m given a unique perspective as I’m one of the few officers in the department organizing and conducting these raids. The idea that the LSPD should notify the civilian of the coming raid to ensure your “good” RP is the most ridiculous notion I’ve ever heard come out of one of these forum posts and I’ve seen some seriously detrimental ideas posted here. We put in days of 8 plus hours of shifts worth of effort to get these cases sufficiently organized and complete with the evidence for submission required and it takes days sometimes weeks to get them approved. The “RP” your looking for is to be able to be notified before hand so you can move the majority of your items and keep on going with a (W Crim) mentality that we don’t nearly often address enough and this post is more proof that we as a department can’t have the slightest advantage in any situation without massive pushback. The best and I mean the best RP I’ve gotten out of the city was serving a search and seizure and finding the guy we were looking for in the yard of the house he had stores some of his weapons in. The shock of a convoy of PD vehicles screaming in and jumping out weapons drawn was some of the best interactions I’ve had with a civilian/crim. It led to a realistic and immersive raid and I wouldn’t trade that for anything. If your mad your house was one of 10 raised that night with less than 8 police officers available then you need to readdress your priorities on the city. This is a complete win mentality and the fact we’re continuing to entertain this mindset amazes me. To me this is the same as the PD saying we need to be notified and properly prepared before we do any bank/art robberies… it’s never going to work and you know that. Straighten up and be better there’s more productive ways to spend our time actually improving this community and this just isn’t it. 

  2. My only concern as it’s been stated by multiple people above the PD is on life support right now as far as numbers go. Last month we had 15+ officers routinely on duty in my hours of availability but I was ecstatic to see 6 on last night… it was a record high for my general time zone and it’s frustrating. I don’t know if I have a satisfactory solution to the Tec9 issue but I can tell you making that weapon fully automatic in vehicles will destroy what’s left of the PD within the coming months. As a faction we’re ridiculed and condemned if an officer repairs his vehicle pulling off a chase yet civs can swap vehicles 3 and 4 times in a pursuit and we can’t say anything because we’re just W cops… we enter into pursuits with vehicles just to get gunned down turning a corner by an ambush that happens without any warning or conversation consistently. But God forbid the PD performs a pit maneuver to soon or we will be preached to about how we’re just to aggressive and ruining everyone’s experience. Or 7.62 claiming to hunt down the cops last night because “they have more backup than us” is becoming a common situation we find ourselves in… I know this is a long rant but giving the crims the ability to fire fully automatic from these pursuits with no way for the PD to combat it will be the final nail in the coffin of this department, and when there’s no more cops willing to deal with this anymore and we loose the few we have left the civs wont have much left to do.

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    1. Character Name: Isaac Night
    2. Character ID: 1733
    3. Steam64ID: 76561198429995735
    4. Time & Date of Incident (EST Time): 10:47 EST | 10/23/2023
    5. Video proof of Incident: https://discord.com/channels/1087349123742715934/1087349124879372309/1166207008324714528
    6. How did you lose the item you are requesting compensation for:  During the vehicle swaps to be more GTAV and FiveM compliant and friendly all my vehicles are now either changed or at risk of being changed. These new vehicles are locked to having a livery and as a detective who exclusively uses undercover vehicles this has become a significant issue. the majority of my money has gone into purchasing vehicles that are no longer compliant and useful to my duties and needs. I do NOT have the funds to replace all my compromised assets and this has signifigantly disrupted my enjoyment of my job and my ability to perform my duties as a Detective in the MCD. I am requesting direct fiscal compensation for the individually altered car's monetary worth that was/are compromised by these forced changes or for the policing vehicles in my garage to be changed to the respective Undercover variants.

      Currently affected vehicles as of [10/23/2023]
      CVPI -> $30,000
      Taurus -> $50,000
      Explorer -> PENDING CHANGE
      Ford F150 -> PENDING CHANDE
      Moto -> PENDING CHANGE - [currently missing from my garage for some reason]
    7. Proof you've reported this as a bug:: Not a bug but an intentional change made to the server


  4.  I personally love the revert back to the old rules when I came back to the island after my leaving it felt so stiff everyone walked around like they were on edge and while I understood why these rules where in place it felt like it constricted RP massively. Regardless of what we think or feel I think the islands speaking for itself these last couple months I've come home to 35/40 people on island after my work shift was up and I'm currently looking at an island of 82 people... If its not the rules I don't know what it is but I'm loving this improvement

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  5. What is your favorite thing on 5.0?  The Map work and detailing is beautiful and the love and work that was put in really shows in this map and it is by far my favorite to date.

    What is one thing you dislike on 5.0?  The Role play has went down hill so dramatically that its extremely saddening. The blue zone in Elk isn't even treated like it exists and is majority just a massive PvP zone with fist fights every 15 meters and the police are being treated like rolling cars with free gear rather than law enforcement.

    What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Administration needs to crack down dramatically on the blatant rule breaks on both sides civilian and law enforcement alike. as a community we need to remember why were here and what type of island this is and be accountable for our actions or be made accountable if need be.

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