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David Matthews

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Posts posted by David Matthews

  1. 1 hour ago, Lucifer Riddle said:

    Legal activities will not be the same illegals activities payout but i do agree that a light buff will do. 

    I agree, and they should not match honestly. You are putting way more on the line by doing illegal activities. However, in my opinion they still need to remain a viable option for people not interested in crime. 

    • Like 1
  2. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it.: (try use an example of what has happened in-game)

    I believe the legal side of things needs to be buffed to keep up with the illegal side. New, higher paying money making runs are being added to the criminal lifestyle while legal runs are falling behind. Woodcutting, jewelery, the legal jobs, fishing, hunting and beekeeping all should be buffed to make them actually viable options. Being a legal civ who is not in a comapny/faction does not feel like an option anymore. Every time I go by the lumberyard or mines they are deserted and those used to be the best legal runs for people. I understand that illegal jobs come with more risk so they pay more but legal jobs need to at least stay a viable option or the only choice for people will be turning to crime if they want to ever afford a nicer car or house. It also allows criminals a chance to take a break from crime if they so feel like it and try something different which would add some really interesting rp situations in my opinion.

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    Buff legal jobs/runs to make them viable again. 

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pros - More options for people to actually make good money

    Cons - Dev work to change the payments

    Please go into great detail with your suggestions, if its economy related give us the numbers you think will make it work and why.

    • Like 7
  3. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it.: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) I would like to suggest the addition of the farming of fruits, grains and vegetables for civilians. It would add a way for civilians to get money while increasing rp as the harvested produce could be sold to the food businesses across the city. For example Burgershot could purchase lettuce, tomatoes, and potatoes that could be used in crafting the food they sell. It adds an alternative for the businesses as well instead of doing the same runs to resupply. 

    Solution on how to make this work?: Dev's would have to implement the changes, however it could be similar to growing weed but maybe a bit faster to make it viable. The farming shop is also already present in Grapeseed so the seeds to grow produce could be bought there. 

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pros: Adds another legal job for civilians that increases RP

                The infrastructure is already there with the farm shop and weed growing script so hopefully less work is required

    Cons: Dev work

    Please go into great detail with your suggestions, if its economy related give us the numbers you think will make it work and why.

    • Like 9

    1. Character Name: David Matthews
    2. Character ID: 1730
    3. Steam64ID: 76561198044194849
    4. Time & Date of Incident (EST Time): 19:04 EST Aug 26/23
    5. Video proof of Incident: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2048628767445510197/2EA60050133B0CA5A3686D927A9AF7A2863A7EF9/?imw=5000&imh=
      Unfortunantely I have no proof of the incident, just a screenshot of the f8 log at the time of trying to spawn the vehicle
    6. How did you loose the item you are requesting compensation for: : The  issue on the fivem server where the vehicle mods are not present on the vehicle when it is pulled out of the garage occured. This resulted in my losing a tier 3 engine and turbo upgrade for my car. The price for these two items is 55k together as verified by one of the LS customs workers and there were several comestic mods such as paint, roof, and rear wing. Total Comp Requested is 60K 


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