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Gordo Stoli

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Posts posted by Gordo Stoli

  1. What is your favorite thing on 5.0? Hard to choose between map and features. I think farming is my favorite. Haven't tried hunting yet but I figure that will become my favorite feature.

    What is one thing you dislike on 5.0? The inability to land a plane coming from BD island and get to BD processor. The hill is too steep to climb near Nasa- which also has no garage/air shop. You also cannot land a plane at BD processor due to a large number of trees on the only flat spot.

    What is your suggestion to fix your dislike? Either remove the trees next to BD processor to allow for safe landing of a plane, manipulate terrain to provide a safe route for foot travel to the processor, or add an air shop/garage to the Nasa air strip.

    • Like 3
  2. 1. I think that wiping the economy would be better for longevity of the playerbase. Some people that either just recently bought cool equipment or skins for their cars may be upset, but it's not like you can't ever get those items/clothes/cars again. 

    2. A crafting overhaul would be extremely cool, especially for the people that have already put in a momentous amount of time into the system. Additionally, adding back low-tier class 3's would more evenly distribute power among groups amongst the island. 

    3. I was never on Kamdan, so i'm not 100% sure what it was like. I would have to get some clarification on this, however I do believe that @Nick Allen 's post saying that if police were informed that there was a hostage present at a major, they should negotiate normally. The RP for negotiations rn is sometimes pretty funny and promotes good RP. 

    4. I like this idea. No real complaints. I really enjoy the RP that has come out of the lack of class 3's. The re-implementation of them to an extent, as well as having a place to conduct fun activities will be a really nice twist to the normal day to day on the island. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    Mafia/Gangsters would be whitelisted terrorists

    It would be very combat heavy with RPGS, Pawnees, LMGS and more.

    The goal in the Takistan server would be to create a similar environment as purge to let loose a bit but also try something new as I know a lot of people have wanted to play several Takistan servers that have come up over the past years but the owners have been ddosers/doxxers/hackers so they avoid it.

    If you're a roleplayer Takistan isn't probably for you but its nearly a completely different game mode and might be fun to try out even if its just for a day or two.

    By doing Takistan it would allow the developers to focus full force on 4.5 (which we pretty much are which is why there haven't been any updates)

    If you're not keen on Takistan please voice your opinion in the comments and people please do not hound people if they don't agree with your opinion.

    This sounds like an interesting idea. If this is just for a couple days it would be really cool to allow players to blow off some steam and really scrap with people who they have beef with :)

  4. Name: Gordo Stoli
    Time played on 3.0: Since October 21st
    Do you have anything in the next month that will effect you being able to help testing: I work evenings 
    Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: Yes
    Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: (any OG anzus people will not need to do this) That's fine. 
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