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Jack Chapman

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Posts posted by Jack Chapman

  1. 10 hours ago, Sam Walker said:

    according to staff and Lee it is affect performance


    This was a complete misconception from the start of 7.0, plants just use arma's own animation system to simulate growth, it is not at all intensive on the server, at most if you're close close to like 1000 plants you might see a very minor FPS drop.

    I've personally planted around 600 seeds (potato) in one go for RedBurger and not a single person on the server was complaining about lag at the time.

    From the timing of this post and what I saw on Twitter yesterday I assume you're on about last nights lag, but this was in the middle of a large combat event with the hunger games stuff going on, it was NOT farming related at all.

  2. 4 hours ago, Matt Darhk said:

    I'm uneducated on this subject, what majors has Jack fixed? 

    Mostly visual fixes, updating textures etc, but sometimes small QOL tweaks. Easiest example is the newer version of Knox.

    I do have plans ot revitalise more of the older majors as well, again mainly visual but open to ideas for tweaks.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, Jack Bigalow said:

    Honestly Jack there is a super easy way of getting people to download these mods through the workshop, you can create a html file. Im pretty sure there is a format that you can use and put sources to the content on the page. They can then drag it across to their arma 3 launcher instance and it will automatically download the mods that have sources on that html file.

    Heavily over-estimaing the average braincells of the arma community here.

    • TF 1
  4. 5 hours ago, Attila Hun said:

    Kinda hard to not exploit something like this, lets say your in combat and someone is on the other side of this wall, you flex the button to make that show up and then easily know where the are on the other side. what kind of range would this have? 

    Easy to avoid. Just make it a windows key interaction if what you are looking at is a car. It would just return numbers no names, no risk of abuse in that way.

  5. 8 hours ago, Dylan Rodgers said:

    -1, There is no reason for this to be a thing.  If you get shot from the other side of the border, just shoot back...  When we start adding rules like this we take Ruleplay to a whole new level.

    Preach sister.

    • PepeDance 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Loxxon Husky said:

    I don't see a issue for us to just download the workshop link mod. ANZUS mods are already in the steam workshop whats wrong with that ?


    We can't include it in our workshop, it would need to be a seperate link, and not everyone even uses the workshop link. Not worth all that extra tech support, risk etc just for one faction.

  7. 11 hours ago, Attila Hun said:

    I just found this during a quick search on the topic, so it definitely seems possible


    Not as simple as it makes it sounds, would require that we have everyone use the workshop link (probably wont allow us to put it in the mod pack), and they'd have a lot of overall power to tell us to stop using it any time they wanted.

  8. 5 hours ago, Conrad Carter said:

    Working fine?, you have a spawn point literally 5 meters outside CTRG base. When he spawns there he is gone within 5 sec

    This is why I said provide context. We don't all have a crystal ball. Also again, edit with the template...

  9. I think it needs to be a bit of a mix. Bring back class 3's to rebel but at a higher price (for the ADHD Andies), but make it affordable to buy them from crafters instead.

    Make sure prices aren't stupid for cops, since when they are forced to use them they don't stand to make any profit.

    I wouldn't say restrict them to only majors, forcing a narrative always kills fun & RP. There can be plenty of other good uses for them, so long as civs have an actual financial risk when using them.

  10. At this time, as the defendant has failed to enter his plea in the alloted time, the court will be issuing a summary judgement on the matter at hand.

    Given the complex nature of this case and the discussion around use of force, I feel an explanation is required on the ruling made.

    It is the opinion of this court that the use of force displayed within the exhibits by the defendant is considered unreasonable, excessive and put life in-danger without any valid reasoning to do so.

    The defendant approached a situaiton outside of their juristiction, without consideration for calling police backup, and without considering appropriate use of the less than lethal options clearly at his disposal.

    As such, the court decision is as follows: 

    Count 1 - MCOL 1x §11.1.210 - Attempted Second Degree Murder - Brady Warhorse - 001 - Guilty - 40 Months

    Count 2 - MCOL 1x §11.1.210 - Attempted Second Degree Murder - Brady Warhorse - 002 - Guilty - 30 Months

    Count 3 - MCOL 1x §11.1.750 - Felony Malpractice - Brady Warhorse - 003 - Guilty - 35 Months, $10,000 & removal from position as a serving REA agent.

    Count 4 - MCOL 1x §11.1.480 - Reckless Endangerment  - Brady Warhorse - 004 - Double Jeopardy with the defenition of Count 3.

    Count 5 - MCOL 1x §11.2.120 - Failure to Comply With Law Enforcement - Brady Warhorse - 005 - 15 Months

    So ordered, @Brady Warhorse please turn yourself into the Department of Corrections within the next 48 hours. Failure to do so will result in a warrant being issued for your arrest.

    @Oliver Shaw@Kelvin Levington@Andrew Scott

    • EZ 1
  11. @Brady Warhorsemy decisions were final on the motions, at this time I will not hear further discussion on the subject.

    Please enter your plea to each charge as requested, and specify which parts of the REA SOP you want in discovery. Failure to respond with your plea within 24 hours will result in no-contest being assumed/summary judgement.

    In regards to MSP/MST SOPs, at this time I will be denying this request for now. The REA SOPs should sufficiently show your use of force policies and trainings, if not we can re-visit this at a later stage.

  12. I, Judge Jack Chapman will be presiding over this case.

    First off, before I get into pre-trial motions I would like to sternly warn both parties to follow court proceedings and to act respectfully at all times. The way both parties have conducted themselves is unacceptable, and if it continues there will be consequences. 

    In reference to the motion to supress the statement within Coutn 1, this will be denied. This statement is from the witness/evidence perpsective as to what they saw, no room for off-island conversations in that regard, so unless otherwise told by federal government, that statement is to remain.


    On the motion to dismiss, I will be denying this request at this time pending further court proceedings to establish facts.

    In terms of case law mentioned by the defence, they are under very different circumstances:

    In Plakas v. Drinsk, the individual the force was used on is alleged to have used a poker which risks serious bodily harm compared to the use of fists.

    For Graham v. Connor, the courts conclusion is summed up as:


    The outcome of the case was the creation of an "objective reasonableness test" when examining an officer's actions. That test, over time via case law, would evolve to something that could be summed up as "given the facts known at the time, would a similarly trained and experienced officer respond in a similar fashion".

    As such, this case requires further court discussion and evidence consideration before dismissing this case outright.


    On the motion to discover for the REA SOPs, I will not authorise the release of the document in it's entirety. Please can both parties specify which specific aspects/topics from within this classified document you are requesting within discovery. @Andrew Scott - Notice, please wait for full information on the exact aspects requested.


    In terms of the request to delay pending IA or AC-12 investigations into the matter, this will be denied. Both of these are internal investigations with no criminal ramifcations (unless they seperately file additional charges at their discretion), and as such are outside of the powers of this court to control, and would not wish to do so if we were able to.

    Please can the defence enter a plea for each charge presented and can both paries put forward availability for a court case.

    @Brady Warhorse@Oliver Shaw@Kelvin Levington

    • EZ 1
  13. @Tom Najail @Jamaal Murray

    Having reviewed both sides, at this time I am going to sustain the motion for dismissal on grounds of qualified immunity.

    The section of the Montana constitution the claimant makes reference to is clearly in relation to entities and organisations, not individuals. And in-line with US Supreme Court caselaw, individuals operating on the behalf of government entities qualify for immunity.

    At this point, I do not feel that sufficient evidence has been provided that @Loxxon Huskyacted outside of his government role to maliciously defame the claimant, or that any statements made on the official documents would lead to sufficient reputation damage and loss of income to warrant the requested financial relief.

    Claim dismissed without prejudice.


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