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Sam Walker

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Posts posted by Sam Walker

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nex Nuestra said:

    -1. It doesnt REALLY affect performance THAT much. Can you tell? Yes. But you cant limit plants. Cause people plant like 500 then gather and drop ont he floor to optimize runs, etc.  Cant do this

    according to staff and Lee it is affect performance


  2. Type of Suggestion?: Coding, Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: So, recently a lot of players go spam plant wheat / lettuce in order to gain level 25 farming for the moonshine that is very worth it. But at the same time when a lot of plants exist on the server we have lag spikes / fps drops because of that. So make plant limit to like 100 per player so we don't get these lags

    Solution on how to make this work?: Code limit the plants for each player / remove plants that exist more then 1 - 2 hours / make plants die after so long like 2 hours

    Pros & Cons?

    Pros: less lag 
    Cons: cant place like usual plants

    • Like 2
  3. Personal Information:

    Age: 22

    Steam64ID: 76561198115531019

    Country of Residence & Time zone: Israel, UTC+3

    Discord Username: davidfad


    Character Questions:

    What will your AMR name be: Sam Walker

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state): No

    Describe your character: Sam was born in mid-1997, being the only child for few years at age 4 Liam, his younger brother was born To a Jewish mother and father. Sam`s family left Israel and moved to Vinewood when he was 1 years old. His father was a S.W.A.T member, His mother was a Kindergarten Teacher. His childhood was tough he lost his father in a terror attack 9/11 when Sam was only 5 years old, Sam wasn't the best student in school and he didn't agree with education system. He thought it is an instrument to produce none thinking men so the government can control them for their purposes. After he lost his father Sam started to be upset and sad above it, every week he want to his grave at least once, After his father died his mother couldn't help Sam with money anymore and they moved out of Vinewood to Israel, After couple of years in Israel Sam was 19 years old and his Mother died from cancer. Sam stayed in Israel another 2 years and decided to move back to Vinewood and decided to stay there met new friends and got a new job. After Sam grew up and became 21 years old he started to work in a laundrymat. The laundrymat owner was his father friend, John who served with his father and was in the same SWAT team us him, He took Sam like his son. Sam worked at the laundrymat for 2 years and made money from it and became a manager. Sam turned 23 and decided to leave the laundrymat job and started a new business of advertising agency. When the business started to getting highly profitable, the local mafia wanted him to pay protection. He refused and the mafia started to search for him. When they burned his office he decided to close down the business in hope for new opportunities.

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the AMR: 10 - 20 hours

    Are you a US citizen: Yes

    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the AMR?: To AMR Yes, to EMS in general no

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?: Nope

    Why do you want to join the AMR (100 words minimum): I rather enjoy the roleplay aspect of first response, and always have an enjoyment of including real world application into roleplay scenarios to make for more immersive scenarios and situations for others. A friend of mine also recently was hired and I would love to be able to join him in working along side in this occupation. I always try to surround myself in those who take pride in the their roleplay and I feel as though this would be a tremendous opportunity to do so. Normally I would usually go for the law enforcement side of things. But this time around I felt more attracted and interesting in doing this from the emergency medical side of things. I do hope you keep me in high consideration and chose to let me become a invaluable member of your time.

    What qualities should a good AMR member have (50 words minimum): The qualities I imagine are that similar to what I feel are apart of the agency I currently work for. PRICE. Professionalism. Always displaying yourself in a professional manner, keeping calm and collective in any situation no matter how difficult. Both in appearance and action. Responsibility, always recognizing the responsibilities and duties that we are upheld to. Ensuring that duties are always carried out. Integrity, always doing the right thing even if no one is looking. Courage, placing others well being higher than your own and going into situations to help those in need, including those along side you. Effiency, not only getting the job done, but doing so in a manner that doesn't put other tasks and the like at a point where they can be failed or lacked.

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time AMR member (50 words minimum): believe I will be a good fit for the full-time role of an AMR member because of the values I prior listed above, Honesty | Integrity | Empathy - These are qualities I also bring with me to help ensure the purpose of the AMR service is truly upheld. I love helping people and making new friends and truly experiencing the community as it grows and prospers with more life being added in with every new person moving to Texas everyday. With being able to dedicate time throughout the week and weekends, and having prior experience in a medical response Team I believe I would be a good full time fit for the AMR team.

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? (yes/no) Yes

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