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Gunner Brown

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Posts posted by Gunner Brown

  1. I will say that the entire EMS department is new on this map, they do a great job at reviving people, Some times its not possible to revive you immediately due to Medic sops like cant revive during gun fights or Meth van Red zone. that have to wait to around 3 mins from last shot to be able to enter a area. 

    There is medics online  last night alone there was 5 medics online with only 17 Civ's and 3 cop's.  if you believe this is a issue EMS applications are open and you're more than welcome to apply. 

    Making CPR kits cheaper wouldn't really benefit us medics, we have a limited role and if people are just reviving themselves whats the point of having medics and where is the incentive for people to apply to become a medic ? 

    Medics get paid around $10k per revive and a pay check every 5 mins 

    A way to help medics would be Don't spam medics with texts asking for help for your friend or that your stuck in the middle of nowhere as this delays medics actually seeing the Revive request.  If you die request medic as soon as you can so a medic can make their way to you. 

    if your stuck in the middle of no where press alt+T  and you can request a taxi and even work as a taxi driver 

    Help support the guys who Sit there for long periods of time with nothing going on, not taking there role away from them. 

  2. Please Copy follow the template provided when making an application. 

                       Please also read Medic SOP's as you will be asked questions from them. 



    In-Game Name:  

    TeamSpeak Name:  


    Steam 64 ID:   


    Have you had any bans on the ANZUS Gaming Server, if so what was the reason for the ban and how long where you banned?


    How long have you been playing on ANZUS Gaming server?


    Have you been EMS on any other server, if so what rank did you hold?


    What do you believe you can bring to the ANZUS EMS Department? (Min 50 Words)


    Why do you believe we should pick you? (Min 60 Words)


    How many hours a week are you able to dedicate to the Medic Department?


    Where do you see yourself getting to in the EMS and How do you see yourself achieving this? (30 words min)

    Terms And Conditions:

    have you Read, Understood and Agree to follow the AnzusGaming Rules for both Teamspeak and Ingame?

    Yes | No 

    Have you Read, Understood and Agree to the Medic Rules in which you will be complying to when in medic?

    Yes | No


    • Kappa 1
  3. Name:

    Steam 64 ID:

    Rank at time of Removal:

    Why were you Removed ?

    Why should we Give you your rank back ?

    Do you understand that by placing this appeal you are by no means guaranteed to have your Rank back and may be given a lower rank 
    Yes | No

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