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Chris Beckham

Senior Support [Arma 3]
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Chris Beckham last won the day on April 6 2023

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About Chris Beckham

  • Birthday 10/03/1990

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  1. All great news minus the takistan but cant keep everyone happy lol
  2. Some great Work Devs. @Happy killmore(Guess this was you) Great idea with furniture as crafting can be halted with storage issues and another way of making money while crafting & legally.
  3. I personally think either of these options Option 1: (From me)- Bring back class 3s in rebel at 20-30k (or a a high number) to begin with- Add class 2s in rebel for a affordable price- Allow class 3s to be bought from crafters (Note crafting is A LOT easier in 6.0, some people are already level 70+ and have a big stock of C3S. They will be affordable regardless of rebel price)Option 2:- Only add back class 2s to rebel- Allow crafters to run the class 3 market I do think they was a bit to easy to get in the past but raise the price a bit to make it so crafters can sell/benefit from all the work of crafting. or Gangs can have a crafter etc and with no restriction to where the Class 3's can be used. Class 1's are decent for a bit or when you choice to do so but when it is forced it sucks after a week.
  4. Your name: Charlie Beckham/Chris Brady Your age: 31 Do you agree that applying for testing means you're willing to put A LOT of hours into testing runs, scripts and helping developers when they need a testing partner? Yes
  5. Name: ChrisUKLocation: (State, Country) England, UKInternet speed: (Speedtest.net picture do not show your IP) Operating system: Windows 10You agree to keep everything private and not leak anything: I Agree
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