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Eren Jäger

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Posts posted by Eren Jäger

  1. i +1 this suggestion and i would like to add some feedback from my personnal experience

    First, i would say over the years, a HUGE gap has been digged and it keeps dig by itself between players. In some situation, there's a crucial lack of communications or non existent communications between players with each others. What i tried to add with this old suggestion was : We need to prioritize the communication before the punishment, so i suggested a way that, in order to report someone on forum, you must attach a proof or maybe some kind of chatbox between you and the reported player/gang (monitored by staff) so you can find some kind of comp/agreement and if it's fail, THEN you can report this player/gang.

    I've never agreed with the any rulebreak = points policy, i understand you have to maintain and monitor a such big playerbase server like Anzus, but i don't think it makes players understand or following a good way with this kind of aggressive policy.

    We're all players, we are all humans beings (i believe) so we're all having up & down moments which is normal in Arma 3 and a roleplay experience. Roleplay on arma 3 is NOT an exact science, and there's cannot be a rule for each situation. But over the years, i feel like i'm facing robot or machine people with ruleset printed in their braincells and just wait for the opportunity to report as soon as you did something wrong, no matter who you are, how many hours you've played, no matter your gang or your type of gameplay. Which, to be fair, is the real toxicity going on nowadays.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to avoid points/punishments for all players, but i would say we need to chill a bit : This is a game, this is a roleplay/combat experience, we're all here to have some fun, and people take this shit too seriously or personnal sometimes.

    In other hand, staff acts like a "middle-man" in any situations happening on the server, which is good. But as a staff, i think your goal is to find a peaceful and mature way to solve problems, discussion is the key to solve a huge amount of problems. If i fucked up on some situations, i'm sorry bro, let's have a quick talk and find an agreement and keep playing. 

    As a player, i want to log on, doing some stuff and have fun experience. Nothing more and nothing less. I can't handle to lose so much of my playing time in support channel/forums, i hate being dragged out of my """"immersion"""" with big quotes but you're surely know what i mean by that. If we can find a quick and easy solution to solve a problem, go for it man i'm not a monster, i'm a player just like you and i can talk, so let's talk and fix that. And i think staff would need to follow this kind of procedure also, it would increase communication and trust between players, instead of just loosing some time and get pinged on a random anon report of the forums.

    In fewer words, here's my feedback and here's the solutions i'm thinkg to try fixing it :

    - Get rid of anon reports/suggestions - 
    Just do the maths : it takes you LESS of your time to trying have a quick chat with the reported player/party (depending of the situation/rulebreak), Anon reports & suggestions is a sneaky feature which doesn't push people to act good between each others. Since it got implemented, i hate it and i don't find it useful.

    - Trim or get rid of some rules Like i said earlier, over the years i feel like the ruleset has been heavily increased, and you cannot have a rule for every single situation you have on server. Some situations can be handled and resolved by players without involving staff, or at least as the very last solution. Less time consuming, better experience and behaviour for everyone. 

    - Redo the rulebreak = points policy As i said earlier, before being staff, they're also are players, so in my opinion i would say we need to lift a bit this kind of policy which i find too aggressive. Prioritize talk & feedback between players, find some alternatives. I'm not trying to say Staff is doing a bad work or being dictators, just, if you want people to learn and follow a positive way, you need to let them chat, and then do the stuff if nothing good happened between them.

    You are not machine, you are not controlled by AI braincells (yet) and you are a player.

    Forum, staff & reports should be and must be the very last solutions to your problems, you can talk, the other player is a human too... GREAT ! Let's talk and find a solution pal

    I assume it may not be the perfect solution, but hey, why we can not give it a try at least ?

    • Like 7
  2. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) I feel like it would be fun to add some cosmetics to the conflict shop OR warpoints shop (for a cheap amount) for example with customs hats, glasses or facemasks. It think it need to be limited to a small amount of cosmetics like hats, glasses/facemask so it won't be a maze of random unicorns uniforms with santa claus hats & hello kitty backpacks fragging each other. Theses cosmetics would be funny or cool or maybe based on previous models, and only available for conflict/warpoints shop to give more incentive to Conflict event. Let me know what you think ! 

    Solution on how to make this work?: Add some cosmetics (ex: hats/glasses/facemasks) to purchase at conflict shop OR with warpoints in warpoint shop for a cheap amount.

    Pros & Cons?: PROS : - Add more diversity to player clothing style ! 
    - Could bring more incentive and more people to enjoy Conflict !
    - Cool looking fragger is a happy one = max pleasure !

    CONS : - Dev/Texture work or rework

    Thanks for reading my suggestion, feel free to react in the comments below ! 👍

    • Like 15
  3. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) Since the new HUD has been introduced in game, i feel like it doesn't really "fit" to the anzus playstyle. In my opinion, the old hud was much more refined, discreet and readable. I'm not trying to say it's shit or something i know it still a work in progress as Georges may have mentionned before, it's just i don't really like the layout and readability of it. Some people may like the new one, some people may like the old one, so why not make it both ways ?

    Solution on how to make this work?: 1) Bring back the old hud if majority upvote for it 
    2) Make old & new hud toggleable ( like the old & new killfeed system ) so players will choose the layout they prefer

    Pros & Cons?: PROS : - Better visual experience for immersion that suits for players
    - Give the ability for the player to choose a style he prefers
    - The seatbelt-check will be great again !!!

    CONS : - Dev work
    - IDK if it's technically do-able or may cause more lag since it's client-sided

    Thanks for reading my suggestion 👍

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