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Katheeri Insomnia

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Posts posted by Katheeri Insomnia

  1. 48 minutes ago, Jake Vercettii said:


    If you had to push 8 people in 1 large cargo hold on milship or 8 people on the second floor of national all holding 2 entrances would you not like a rifle that could change the tides and sway the already really low odds of your police force of winning? 

    I think this is a baby rage suggestion. We rarely and I mean RARELY use the fn30 outside of majors, I think I have used my fn30 once outside of a major crime since I've been in SWAT.. This suggestion is just mind boggling and just seems like a way to hinder the police force even more then it is already crippled atm.

    The usage of those snipers in majors is fine, but you cant say with a straight face it isnt being used in open world combat, especially with less restrictions than majors its stupid as shit

  2. 40 minutes ago, Loxxon Husky said:

    -1 I only see civs do Bank, Casino, Milship, Labs and Knox.
    I never seen civs do Cargoship other 10 majors that are currently out there.

    Did you even read the suggestion? he's trying to get more people to do more majors such as embassy but I refuse and other gangs refuse to do it because of how hard it is.

  3. Instead of reducing it to 8 man for all majors, I could see some majors having capped numbers for example a labs should be max 8 while a knox max 12. (These numbers are just pure examples)

    • Like 6
  4. I don't have a problem with conflict currently, but you are right on the payout most of the time it's not worth playing unless its mass conflict so there would be a reward.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Erik New said:

    wetsuit is extra armour i would still like wetsuits for everyone tho

    basic ARMA wetsuit has no armour value don't spread misinformation

  6. 1 minute ago, Saleh Eyjafjallajoekull said:

    I'm personally against reviving at red zones, reward with no risk.

    You're also looking at it at a different perspective, you generalized ALL "combat players" there's 2 sides of that police combat players, and rebel combat players, the current people who made this thread and agreeing with it are police combat players because these "grinders" are the ones that help the rebel combat players get there guns at a lower price.

    EDIT to the first part: I'm against revving against enemy gangs at any situation what's the point of it? no risk at all meaning it hurts the economy by keeping combat high while no money going out.

  7. 40 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    Combat players hate the "You can not revive at red zones" rule but do it anyway, when this happens there is 0 risk. But they want to rob people chilling/grinding? I dont understand that part. Will monitor this thread, please be chill. 

    I'm personally against reviving at red zones, reward with no risk.

    You're also looking at it at a different perspective, you generalized ALL "combat players" there's 2 sides of that police combat players, and rebel combat players, the current people who made this thread and agreeing with it are police combat players because these "grinders" are the ones that help the rebel combat players get there guns at a lower price.

  8. 13 hours ago, Raphael Mephistopheles said:

    Spawn points can probably be changed to make it easier for both parties, however it's difficult to make a change on the border for the truck. There are other ways if you find out in RP. Most cops can't go south of the border, so having the civilian unload point being up North is another possibility. I think if we went that route, we can have a north and south turn in point, however, the North point only pays out 80% of what the South turn in point pays. 

    I'm all for fighting at the border I'm not saying making a passage for these trucks to go through but making it fightable is what I'm asking you are essentially over 20+ no matter what because it will be classified as a "DOC attack" with DOC literally touching the border, I think the best solution is to move DOC a kilometer at least so the towers aren't being used either as it is a huge advantage for cops.

    • Like 2
  9. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) Currently these trucks can spawn very far away from where you have to deliver it over 18km at some point, making it spawn closer would be nice.

    Currently crossing the border with any of the convoy trucks is impossible because they obviously they won't let you cross as it's an illegal thing and if you end up fighting with them your gonna fight an army of cops that are also using DOC towers to there advantage which makes it impossible to fight with that many towers to man the people attacking the border to cross it will never have a chance.

    Before you say "tHeReS a hOlE iN dRuG cARteL" all that does is make people drive even more and I'm trying to balance the border so people will actually go through there for the fun of it too to cross with the trucks.

    Solution on how to make this work?: So the solutions to what I posted is make the trucks spawn closer towards the capture zones, and move DOC a kilometer or more so cops lose somewhere to hide where civilians cannot push.

    Pros & Cons?:

    Balancing changes could be a bit of both.

    • Like 9
  10. 11 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    No idea where you got the idea we took one 0 off, that was on 5.0. The only thing true in this thread is that gang warehouses were made 2mill, that is because you can put money in your gang bank now. The amount you make from zones, the amount you make from cartel is all the same as Florida. Same with majors, only reason you get 20k from Knox is because its class 1s only. Its too early to be making threads like this, not to mention the amount of inaccurate statements makes people have twisted opinions. 

    Class 2s are expensive for the first bit too try tank the economy slightly, class 3s will be similar if not cheaper than Florida from rebel. 

    The distance was combatted by contracts which will eventually be added to illegal runs. 

    I personally like the current economy and even want it harsher, a lot of it is risk-reward however with the current addition of class 2 the gap between risk-reward has increased massively which is not worth at all.

  11. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game)

    There is too much snow pouring, decreasing the intensity of it would be nice.

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    Decrease the intensity of snow it's too much and can't see much.

    Pros & Cons?:

    Pros: Can see better

    Cons: -

    • Like 2
    • + 1
  12. 26 minutes ago, Phillip Panzer said:

    I think the problem is more that Majors are +Respons numbers instead of x... that simply means the more you are the simpler the major gets cause Cops have less people to trade.

    If you make a Silverrush Casino Robbery as an Example with +7 Respons numbers for Cops
    With 3 its a 3v10
    With 12 its a 12v19

    Lets be honest which one is easier I would definitly say the 12v19 is way simpler even if more cops respond if its a 3v10 Cops have actually many people to trade with thats why the more numbers civs have the less likely is it that cops win.


    While what you are saying is true, I would just like to add a reminder, the reward gets dropped a lot.

    For example a 3v10 reward would be ~70k each, 12v19 would be ~16k each.

    Risk and reward.

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