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Borat Sagdiyev

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Posts posted by Borat Sagdiyev

    1. Discord Username: itspapajohns
    2. State ID: 2833
    3. Timezone: Central Standard Time
    4. Character Name: Borat Johns
    5. Character Age: 29
    6. References: N/A
    7. Do you have any prior law enforcement RP experience? If so explain:: I have numerious previous experience from a range of different modded Arma 3 communities (Critical Gaming, A3L and ALRP). https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KzvdEIxMhzLdm5XAWpO0rWm0_9GexvLaedPNGRy7qyA/edit
    8. When do you feel as an LEO you have to win?: I never feel in any situation that I HAVE to win. I go with the flow of the roleplay and take my wins when there is an opportunity. Obviously when the life of an innocent civilian is at stake I will definitely feel the need to win.
    9. Why do you want to join the Los Santos Police Department: I want to join the LSPD because I have always loved the law enforcement side of roleplay. It gives me the opportunity to make a positive impression on any new civilians (when I cut breaks to new players) and it also allows me to yank some money/guns out of the gang economy. You know why I want to join the PD. I just want to be apart of a group of like-minded individuals and have fun while doing-so.
    10. What are some strengths and weaknesses of your character?: My strengths is definitely my age and previous experience on Arma 3. I have other 5,000 hours which was primarily invested in the earliest modded Arma 3 RP communities. I climbed the ranks when the roleplay and discipline was at it's highest tier. I eventually ran the entire state police department.
    11. Tell us about more about yourself and your background: I am mature and disciplined. I have a lot of free time when I'm not IRL working so I would like to invest it in this department. My background is police and military experience.
    12. Do you have any prior FiveM experience?: I have plenty of FiveM experience. I ran multiple detective/special operations detachments in my many years of playing RP servers.
    13. Do you have any prior FiveM experience?: I have plenty of FiveM experience. I ran multiple detective/special operations detachments in my many years of playing RP servers.

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