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Dean Scott

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Posts posted by Dean Scott

  1. 3 hours ago, Butch Chrestman said:

    Wait.... wtf? 

    @Dean ScottThis was supposed to be in 6.5 already?

    As far as I have been made aware, I don't believe this is the case. I didn't see anything in the changelog for it, and through my attempts to check in-game I have not yet figured out any additional functionality. TBH, I don't even know where we would be able to access this normally either. Let me know if I am incorrect though, as I'd love to have it in already!

  2. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) Modshop has employed a diverse group of individuals throughout its many iterations on many different islands. The vast majority of those people are wonderful workers and do an absolutely stellar job at providing services to the civilians, PD, and EMS workers of the community. However, Modshop work can become very frustrating when individual workers will put in hours of their own time and labor grinding for materials and deposit said materials in the company box, only to have those same materials disappear the next day. As part of the management team for modshop, it can be difficult to surveil the box at all hours of the day throughout the entire week, seeing as we employ many people from different timezones and activity ranges. Therefore, there are two options that I would like to put forward to make everyone's lives a little bit easier.

    1) Add modshop box logs. Much like gang warehouses have log tracking for virtual items, the addition of this onto the company box located in the modshop would allow us to monitor the box and ensure that we can be 100% accurate in our understanding of who is putting things in and who is taking things out. Maybe there can be a computer added somewhere in the shop to check this log, or place the log in the company manager in the DMV/license shop building (probably much less convenient). 

    2) Add a locker system like the PD (and ffr? not sure) have, allowing employees to keep their own modshop materials and parts on site for their convenience while serving customers, ensuring that they can guarantee their work will be there when they wake up. It would require employees to be signed on to access their locker.

    Solution on how to make this work?: Dev work, but these systems both already exist in slightly different forms.

    Pros & Cons?:

    PROS: Increased employee productivity, more open hours (less time spend getting materials), increased employee satisfaction/decreased frustration. For lockers, likely more storage space in holding raw materials+modshop parts on site for use, meaning more uptime.

    CONS: Logs would require semi-frequent checking, locker system would require management monitoring for illegal things that we don't want to be kept on site (however, this could add to RP for PD etc.). 

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  3. I think it could also be cool if the reward for a major like this wasn't money based but something distinct from the normal economy. Maybe it could be based on a rebel stronghold in conflict zone and whoever caps the zone and holds it for X minutes gets a special vehicle like an Ifrit or armed offroad that police would get notified about. Every kill of other gangs could contribute to the increase in rarity of the vehicle spawned, allowing for the potential sight of cool vehicles that are already in the server files but aren't seen everyday. 

    1. Character Name: Nick Scott
    2. Character ID: 153
    3. Steam64ID: 76561198087091663
    4. Time & Date of Incident (EST Time): Between 9/10 11:55 pm and 9/12
    5. Video proof of Incident: Shadowplay is scuffed: https://imgur.com/a/VfKfcMX and https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1098926782398337086/1151349958465822773/20230913145248_1.jpg?width=1193&height=671
    6. How did you loose the item you are requesting compensation for: : Performance upgrades on my Exemplar didn't save: 0,188
      I stored my car at Alta apartments and then pulled it out again. Was kinda hard to tell the difference a couple days later so I figured I would go to a mechanic's and double check, then I was informed it has no upgrades on it. Looking to get the money back if possible, I understand that not having video is an issue but I just got another monitor and was testing it out, my game got put in weird windowed mode and would've needed to be full restarted to get it fixed (didn't want to interrupt rp in the modshop)

  4. A problem I noticed toward the end of Kamdan was that most (ish) combat players tended to play on cop instead of civ because kits were incredibly cheap to get versus civ and the action was about the same if not more. To keep the diversity of people in various factions that we have now, I think we have to keep that in mind. If the price is going to be this high, I think default bleed-out time (still can f1 normally) should be increased in case of situations with slow gameplay at places like cartel or cap zones. Nobody wants to lose old eco 200/300k to dying one time and not getting revived by a medic because they are busy or the situation is still ongoing. It might slow down gameplay in a short term sense for people to get to wait longer to get revived but that choice is up to the individual.

    Important things to add in your response

    • How much you believe class 3s are worth: Immediately 20-30k sounds fine if not a bit high, but later on around 10k seems about right to me
    • How you believe they should be accessed: Rebel/Ghost, maybe spread out some others to the different quest people, also crafters. I would suggest reducing their chance on pirate ship/weapon cache but keep options like mil base/DOC evidence locker. This could shift the meta on majors from money gain to gun-gain as reward for success which could be cool (but could also be aids if cops lose a bunch of majors in a row to the same people).
    • Where they should be used: Everywhere but minor crimes, exception to jewelry store/oil rig. I think there should just be a common-sense judgement reached in the community not to abuse the use of class 3s against new players if they will be super expensive for a bit. Maybe also make it seem like cops are actually there to help people instead of store signs (ie prioritize real situations rather than gas station/clothing store robberies) this might lead new players/old players to RP with cops more than just go to the gun store and arm themselves. I'm just trying to think of ways to incorporate class 3s with consideration to people who might not/can't use them
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