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Duncan Mcfly

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Posts posted by Duncan Mcfly

  1. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Dean Williams, Buck Thompson

    Rank: Trooper

    Badge Number:BP-254, AUX-597

    Department: JTF

    Reason for Punishment: Class T Class B

    Result of Punishment:10 points (both troopers)


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Duncan Bolivar


    Badge Number: 164

    Department: JTF

    Trooper's Signature: SGT. Duncan Bolivar

  2. Trooper's Details

    Troopers Name: Duncan Bolivar

    Your Rank: SGT.

    Your Department:  JTF

    Your Badge Number:  164


    Discipline Information

    Punishing Trooper: Lewis Miller

    Their Rank:  Major

    Their Badge Number:  102

    Punishment you where given:  10 Points

    Link to punishment report


    Please provide in detail on what happened?:  Major Miller had me appear in his office to speak about an LOA that i took 2 weeks prior due to a man known as Duncan McFly Spending time on the island when i pointed out to Major Miller that Duncan McFly is not Duncan Bolivar he responded with this is an RP server so you cannot take an LOA to play on a different character, if it is in fact an RP server as Mr. Miller so expertly pointed out then a SGT. In the TxDPS should not be being punished for the actions of a Civilian who is known under the alias of Duncan McFly. As Sgt. Bolivar was not off duty preforming actions for other sources of income. Mr. Miller then proceed to state that since I broke his trust in me that he will be giving me a Classification I for breaking the Chain of Command. I believe that 2 weeks after an LOA is far too late to determine that someone should be punished for something of a chain of command breakage especially considering that DOC at the time of that LOA was without 2 Lt's and a Captain who was on LOA. I then received another punishment from Mr. Miller for inactivity for the 2 weeks span when Major Alshiq Fattara had already given me a written warning for the inactivity that Mr. Miller cited, Mr. Miller then proceeded to say that I lied on the reasoning for my LOA which was listed as "personal reasons" and failed to complete my hour requirements and that was a disgrace to the "spec ops" group at which point I informed him that he could take my Bortac tags, since i was a disgrace to the spec ops group, at which point he told me I could appeal the decision and when I go to write this appeal I find out that Mr. Miller has punished a Civilian known as Duncan McFly and not Sgt. Bolivar (see attached screenshot) Mr. Miller in his haste to file this punishment Punished a Citizen of Texas and not a member of the TxDPS who was given the rank of Major and the badge number of Sgt. Bolivar. and then the Report was processed and then tampered with by a member of Either Admin or Major miller (again see screenshot). As Major miller could not even identify the SGT. with whom he was punishing,

    Why should your punishment be overturned?:I felt that Major Millers reasonings and personal feelings were brought into play during this conversation as when I told him as to what my personal reason were for taking and LOA he then began to back track and apologize for saying I was lying about the reasoning.  He then misfiled the report citing a member of the public and not an officer within the TxDPS, which was then processed and logged by a member of academy not realizing the Majors Mistake and then archiving the file. 

    Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: yes

    Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended):


    Trooper's Signature: Duncan Bolivar

    Screenshot 2024-03-13 113726.png

  3. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Gavin Fletcher 

    Rank: trooper

    Badge Number:311

    Department: JTF

    Reason for Punishment: Class B

    Result of Punishment: 1x Written warning


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Duncan Bolivar

    Rank: SGT

    Badge Number:165

    Department: JTF

    Trooper's Signature: Duncan Bolivar

  4. 49 minutes ago, Lex Hale said:

    I'm just going to throw this out there, you guys are the only people with a constant 12+ on, doing 10+ people majors, 7-8 attending cap zones, and I'm pretty sure when we go 5 to cap zones as SWAT we are the only group getting near your numbers.  I don't mind the size of your gang at all and uk that, but you guys can split up your gang and fight you just choose not to because you guys are all about winning, which I don't think is inherently bad or anything it's just how it is.

    Even cops don't want to fight you guys because of how many you are, and they have cheap guns.  What would function better is the 8 man rule on majors and not having huge zergs at money van, caps, etc., so other people that are not as good with less numbers might feel they will actually have a chance and want to fight, but instead you guys would prefer to zerg, get an easy steam roll then say "man no one wants to fight ahahahahaha we're so good this shit sucks no one wants to fight we blame the rpers, fuck the grinders, etc.!" XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

    I as a player think this would be a good suggestion to put a cap on gang sizes for what you are saying about no one wants to fight a zerg of people 

  5. Let's look at this from multiple perspectives CTRG has their annihilator which last I checked cannot be penetrated by any weapons  so if we are going to make a reduction on the Bearcat lets do it to all vehicles that are currently bullet proof not just the bearcat.

    THIS post does not in anyway reflect on the mindset of the staff team this is my own thoughts of  the Duncan Mcfly 

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