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Raymond Maxson

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Posts posted by Raymond Maxson

  1. Age: 21

    Steam64ID: 76561198861034699

    Country of Residence & Time zone: U.S./ EST

    Discord Username: rayray624


    What will your AMR name be: Alexander Brohamington

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state): N/A

    Describe your character: 

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the AMR: 12-20

    Are you a US citizen: Yes

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the AMR?: No, applied to and accepted into FFR when it was active

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?: I was removed from FFR due to inactivity, I am a Marine and had been extremely busy dealing with military life and have recently had more time to myself and wish to appeal to rejoin emergency services using the same character I had used before, if needed I can confirm that I'm in the military. 

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training?: Yes

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