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Ethran Alucard

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Posts posted by Ethran Alucard

  1. 1 hour ago, Lex Hale said:

    Type of Suggestion?: Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?:

    • Remove the advanced workbench from everyone, refund their purchases, and move everything that is currently in advanced workbench over to the regular workbench
    • I don't think too many people are really sitting on top of an Advanced work bench
    • Remove firing pins from the normal crafting bench recipes

    • I think that the firing pins are mostly okay in their current state, prices may need some adjusting (Most likely increase prices of guns from vendors)
    • Require lv 50-60 crafting to unlock the advanced workbench

    • I'm not too sure on what the first craft able weapon is in the advanced but I'm pretty sure it's already close to here.
    • The advanced workbench has it's own leveling system therefore you will start at lv 1

    • This would impact mostly the top 10 crafters, the higher the list the more drastic the impact as time has already been committed towards a pre-set goal that's already been changed several times (Currently 3 changes in 4 weeks?)
    • You can only progress in XP on the advanced workbench by crafting advanced workbench weapons

    • Pretty much above, however I am interested in seeing a proposed plan. (What would the levels be looking like, would another form of carpentry be added to this or would it simply become a craft 300 MK18 to unlock the badger?)

    • These weapons WILL require blood diamonds and firing pins, and will be harder than regular crafting bench runs and these will be reverting back to their original state

    • For the love of god, no blood diamonds, let's leave that exactly where it is, doing what it does.
    • These items will be the likes of .300, 7.62, ghillie suits, etc. (NO EXTENDED MAGAZINES, but SOST are okay :) )

    • Most of these things are already in the advanced bench as is.
    • In turn, your normal class 3s will go back to their original prices, you will have to grind more yes for these advanced weapons, but these items you never had in your crafting benches in 7.0 (besides the honey badger if it is moved).

    • Honestly I think raising prices on the NPC market would help balance the overall price increase caused by the firing pins.
    • Slower progression so the wipe lasts longer, will be harder to level advanced workbench

    • I honestly don't think that this is too much of a concern right now.
    • Max profits from expensive and fun weaponry

    • Raise NPC prices and the whole gun market starts to float up around the firing pins no?

      There will be a weapon caliber tab added to the major and civilians will select their highest caliber so cops know what to bring so we can match and not bring higher tiers to 5.56 majors.  Cops will not be given access to higher tier weapons until we see an influx of high tier weapons out and there will be benchmarks on what weapons will be given based on what is being out.  But this crafting system should take a LONG time to level so we don't see mk-1s in 4 days.


    Side note: If this does happen, cop SOPS should be relooked at in terms of raiding and dealing with BD as they will be a lot more common and such.

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    A lot of dev work

    Pros & Cons?:

    A lot of pros

    Barely any cons

    • Top 10 crafters feel attacked

    Some of my thoughts, sorry if they are hurtful :<

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  2. +1 Risk vs reward is definitely not there for illegal runs, 1 arrest can set you back as much as 1 hour.

    On 2/22/2024 at 7:01 PM, Garry Snail said:


    I have a simple brain, I enjoy doing the mind numbing runs rather than the quests, robberies, majors etc etc...

    I have done some science and it seems like the most efficient way to consistently make money and earn XP is by doing steel runs. I upgraded my brain from steel and decided to try some illegal runs but factoring in the time per run, risk per run and net profit per run, I always found myself with a stick over my shoulder with a blanket carrying my belongings back to the steel mine.


    I think this should change so that illegal runs pay more as I don't believe they compensate the player enough considering all the factors I mentioned above.

    Kind regards,

    Garry 'the' Snail


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