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Al Scarface Capone

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Posts posted by Al Scarface Capone

  1. 1 hour ago, Kirk Thorne said:

    From the beginning of 6.0 to week 30, Modshop generated around 500-750k per week in revenue. Since the drop of 6.5 at week 40 of 6.0 the average income per week has been restored to the 500k+ we are use to seeing. Saying modshop is inactive is just incorrect as a whole, no business has 24/7 around the clock workers, but sales are going through the business. High peaks has been broken for the full duration of 6.0 and it has been reported countless times. Gangsters are active in the community, there were many points that both bikers and mafia needed time to rebuild and it was given, it’s not a overnight job, just because we aren’t running the 20 daily members we use to doesn’t mean the guys aren’t around, less and less of us don’t want the day to day bullshit that a lot of you bring to the table.  Your meeting wasn’t attended due to personal work constrains, if you actually reached out and inquired about what we are doing you would have been told that the time you decided doesn’t work for our personal lifes . If you have any issues with my group please message privately before stating your opinion as fact and I’ll gladly give you the facts of the matter.


    - The laundromat was removed due to community decision, and personally the only changes I seen from it is removing one groups unfair advantage. 
    - The casino is not a profitable business due to the fact just like every other business. ITS DESIGNED TO TAKE MONEY OUT of the economy not grow a single groups wallet. You need ways to take money out of a economy to allow longevity to a wipe. If everyone was able to profit off of business the economy would be way too inflated to be sustainable. 

    As members of whitelisted factions I’m honestly surprised at the request given by  this post. The goals here in a lot of these suggestions are ways to line pockets and set precedent that because your whitelisted you deserve more money making schemes. All of our purposes is to provide roleplay environments to the server base. The drug drops ARE MEANT as a reward for doing these community interactions and situations, not to be traded for a better money making scheme.


    Stop making suggestions to create ways for just WHITELISTED FACTIONS to make money. Use the developers time on things that EVERY member of the community can and will enjoy. Use your time fucking making scenarios to make other people happy, host a UFC event or some fuckin shit. Host a scavenger hunt, place a bounty on horizons head, just stop caring about yourself and your income and let the general player base enjoy what you guys do

    Already responded to you in the discord about your comment. 


  2.      When factions were first introduced in 4.0 (I believe) the main goal and purpose of these factions were roleplay and to give the server a new way doing things like dirty money, gang/faction drama, and much more. Over time which I am speaking on behalf of the Mafia and the Bikers here (The G's never showed up to our meeting nor responded we will get to that later) we believe our jobs and purpose has changed drastically over the course of time in a somewhat negative way, don't get me wrong good things have happened but their is more negative than good. Mafia & Bikers have concluded and stand together for these proposed changes and are on the same page after our meeting we had. Here are the proposed changes, additions and removals that we suggest to the community and SMT to look over and see what everyone thinks.

    1. BluKing & RedBurger

         -It was mentioned some time ago that BluKing and RedBurger would possibly become part of the job center as a regular job. While us command members had varying opinions on this we did come to the conclusion that if did happen then some things would need to happen like, only have the people who work at the job center for either company not to have access to the main fridge and have a secondary fridge just for them. This fridge would wipe every tsunami so nobody can steal each others food over the course of time and creates less issues.       

         -Additionally, their would have to be a strict rule against making food for your own personal consumption or for your gang as then their would be no purpose in operating a restaurant for profit if nobody actually bought food.
        -The proposed changes by Poopdeck Pappy are also on the forums which are all wonderful changes. These were supposed to be looked at after 6.5 and so far no word on if any of those changes would actually happen. Still awaiting an update.
         -We also talked about food decay and setting a limit on how much food you can buy similar to FiveM, if the devs could come up with food decay script more people would be going to BluKing and RedBurger more often then just buying a 1000 doughnuts every 3 months. 

    2. Lack of GOOD Communication between Factions and Community Leadership

         -When discussing some of the points we will be making throughout the post their was a common theme and underlying theme to each and that is the lack of communication between factions and community leadership. There has been countless times were bugs like the Meth drop were reported and yet months later it still has not be resolved or when we wanted our gun prices lowered in our shop. Mafia asked for Casino to have its own bank so it would be a profitable business and it would encourage new players to join our faction but also encourage people in our faction to operate the casino more as working towards getting a higher bank and being the richest on the server which would make sense RP wise since IRL mafia's usually control the most money out of any group. Of course the way its done has to be done right but after telling certain folks our wishes multiple times nothing comes of it, we get ignored or we get no updates. Bikers wanted to have a cuban laced cigar drop and similar to the casino nothing came of that. As you can see we have a negative trend here and we would appreciate more organized communication with our groups... Maybe a meeting with all the groups 1 time a month similar to the frequent faction meets on FiveM. 

    3. The Modshop & Gangsters
        - One of the first topics we discussed were the Gangsters, the guys who operate the modshop and the high peaks dispensary. Both groups (Mafia & Bikers) unanimously agreed the gangsters should be removed from the whitelisted faction community. We are not just saying this to remove competition but its negatively affecting the server. The modshop would be owned like a regular business by another entity, same with the dispensary. The gangsters did not even respond to our meeting request nor have any group has actively seen any in weeks if not months. While there will be some who will be upset by this, Doug specifically gave a 2 week order to be active or you loosed your respective businesses and they have failed to do that and its negatively affected the servers ecosystem. 
        -Some modshop changes proposed during the meeting were that you could have it so anyone on the server could go to the modshop at any time and get paint or license plates changed while there is no modshop workers on duty ONLY. If there is modshop on and ready to work then they would be able to do tiers and other such work on vehicles. 

    4. THE BIG GAHUNA (slightly controversial
        - This suggestion happens once in a while and I figured most people would just -1 the entire thread if they saw this at the top, so here it goes. PLEASE READ THOROUGHLY
        -Mafia and Bikers both want "Dirty Money" YOU HEARD ME back to an extent.... We know most people will not want this change but both groups agreed it could not be brought back to the full extent it was at because it was somewhat forcing RP and the server population has changed. Both groups have agreed on the following: 
        -Dirty money would only be on MAJOR crime items you get after winning so like money bags, gold bags, nasa artifacts etc. 
        -Drops for major crimes items for both factions would be eliminated for balance
        -Laundry mat brought back (1 for Mafia & 1 for Bikers) in separate locations. 
        -Both groups agreed that you should only receive dirty money IF the Laundromat is OPEN, meaning if we are offline and its closed then its just regular clean money and groups can sell it immediately and not have to wait for us to wakeup to get it cleaned. 

        - If we open the laundromat we must remain there at all times and cannot leave. If we leave and keep it open then strict punishments would be handed out, community wise and faction wise

    Thanks for reading our TedTalk I hoped you enjoyed. Please be respectful and ask questions in the comments!



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