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Ryan Copeland

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Posts posted by Ryan Copeland

  1. 19 minutes ago, George said:

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the process you guys used to buy the other guys house? What stopped him from just transferring the property to you? What made you have to buy him a temporary new home?

    You cannot transfer a "home" house to another player, only an "asset" house. He had a "home" house.

  2. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) With 6.5 came the addition of houses as assets, which can be held by players until they are sold to another player. However, there is still no way to sell a home to another player -- that is what this suggestion aims to fix.

    Recently someone left my gang and wanted to sell the home they owned in our gang's neighborhood to me for $400,000. However, we found that this could not happen: instead, we would need to give the guy money to buy a temporary new home ($20,000), give him money to move into that home ($20,000), then give him money to transfer his old home (which is now an asset) to me ($20,000). Then, we would need to give him money he lost on buying that temporary home ($10,000). Using this method, the price of buying a $400,000 home from a player is $470,000. In my eyes this is risky, as there is little information on homes being used as assets and moving in and out of them. 

    Alternatively, I could have had him sell his home to the state for $175,000, then pay him until he has the agreed upon $400,000 ($225,000), then buy the house for $350,000. This method means buying a $400,000 home from a player would actually cost $575,000. This method is safer, but costs more. 

    Solution on how to make this work?: Add the ability to put a home up for sale, the same way one sells cars.

    Pros & Cons?

    • Players can buy and sell houses without having to work around currently existing systems (which they can do anyway)
    • It will encourage more movement in the housing market, so owned homes become unused by inactive players less often.


    • I am unable to think of any realistic cons other than dedicating development time to this. 
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