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Posts posted by MattyMav

  1. My thinking on this suggestion purely comes from trying to think of what a new player would think upon joining the server and how they'd try to figure out where to go. On most servers I've played gas stations aren't marked as it's general knowledge that all of them work anyways. Some of the starter jobs have the fuel markers over/right next to them causing clutter, you want a clean map which is easy to read and understand, might be worth adding a toggle option or removing the markers for fuel stations in general.

  2. I know this is something that has been discussed many times in the passed and is more than likely being implemented soon but I think it's important to have a thread up about it whilst there's no word on any being added. 

    There needs to be more starter jobs like the Gardening job which either have progression to them or are easy to grind/do in downtime. Some examples:

    • Delivery Jobs - Go Postal/Food delivery are ones I've seen in other cities
    • Fishing
    • A good Hunting script, hunting areas with bait. Chance to attract rare species which give illegal pelts and give out bands/launderable money
    • Towing (think it needs fixed?)

    To balance these jobs, give good pay for completion but after X amount of jobs (5 on most servers) you receive a 60 to 80% pay reduction for the next 60 minutes. Gives people a chance to cycle legal jobs, meet new people and go try out new things.

    The current legal jobs are pretty grindy/not rewarding on the most part. I'm not saying make these jobs OP but balance them in a way people can grind them on and off but keep playing and having something to do when their pay is cut. 

    • Like 3
  3. +1 to this, I've said it many times but I've had lots of great RP and interactions on public servers before, most of which I have held to a higher standard than what I get on Anzus at the moment. There's plenty of ways of preventing shooters and LQRP players from ruining the RP such as emphasising the importance of whitelisted gangs and trusted players to control the flow of weapons, drugs and so on. Hopefully if the player count increases, we can shift from the heavily controlled OOC economy we have at the moment and into a player ran economy with less restrictions to make the server more free flowing.

  4. 8 hours ago, Marlo Malone said:

    if a mechainc is still clocked on while not in the shop and is collecting paycheck it goes againt the rules. Ask doug the question yourself

    I get that it's against the rules but it still happens constantly, you have mechanics 'on call' and then yesterday I was unable to get a mechanic for over an hour because someone was on duty but AFK. It's a very prominent issue in the server and it shouldn't be overlooked because it's a rule which isn't enforced.

    • Like 1
  5. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it.: (try use an example of what has happened in-game) Forcing mechanics off duty when they leave the mechanic shop.

    Solution on how to make this work?: If the mechanic is not within a certain vecinity of the mechanic make it so they can't log back on as mechanic unless they are in that area. Currently it will sign you out leaving the shop then sign you back in once you re enter. If you can't script it to keep them signed out, make them sign in on a laptop on the inside of the shop which would mean they have to be inside to be on duty.

    Pros & Cons?: Pros: I can get my car repaired at the bench when mechanics are afk paycheck farming. Encourages mechanics to actually be at their respective shop rather than having to go out of your way to call them down if they're advertising. I don't have to drive around for hours with a broken car and nowhere to repair. 

    Cons: Can't paycheck farm while on a coke run.

    Please go into great detail with your suggestions, if its economy related give us the numbers you think will make it work and why. N/A

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  6. 17 hours ago, Lucifer Riddle said:

    -1 Theres already gangs that have warehouses to craft unique stuff. If you want to craft more unique stuff and sell just add more guns to those faction. But limiting that every gun can only be crafted by some people is just too much. Some people are solo or not large group that may be intersted in crafting but they dont wanna be a part of that faction that may do so. 

    I believe that a lot of what you have put as a minus 1 has been answered already on this thread in the comments, I assume you haven't read them otherwise you may have responded to them? But realistically solos or small gangs shouldn't necessarily have access to crafting illegal items it just doesn't really make sense. I don't see what issue there is in having to RP with bigger groups on an RP server, a lot of people's mindsets on here, not saying it's yours, but a lot of people seem to think that solo grinding everything and self supplying is health for the server when in reality that is one of the things that is holding us back from growing currently.


    It also goes without saying, the public work benches void gang owned ones on the most part. A lot of people have the mindset of if they can do it themselves what's the point in going through the extra steps. This is a constant issue on the server currently, whether it is for drugs or guns. If gangs actually try, the RP that you can create from arms dealing is endless and could create unique experiences for players whether they are new or have been around a while. The issue is there are a lot of people who have a fairly selfish mindset of if I can't have it then no one else should rather than sacraficing something for the better of the server. 


    Players wouldn't have to join large groups/factions either, groups can deal guns to them, figure out terms on trades and so on. That is why I believe the benches should only really be given to a select few gangs that can actually RP and provide a fun situation for everyone involved. Bias if there is war shouldn't be an issue either as there would be multiple traders, not sure how many people own a bench at the minute but I know it's quite a variety of groups so unless your gang is just here to beef then you wouldn't have war with every gun trader. 


    As said in the original post, businesses could be created for selling bandages, body armour, lockpicks and the other legal items on the bench. Removing as many NPC or no RP interactions as possible is what is needed to not only keep new players on the server, as they have people to talk to and learn from but for current players to progress their characters in a meaningful way. I know on NoPixel at one point, pretty much every commodity like bandages and body armour were sold through small businesses made by players with unique and custom names/looks for the item. 


    Overall I think if you go into this suggestion with the mindset of 'it's not fair for everyone' then you will always disagree with this idea,  but if you try to gage what this would actually mean for the server I think you may be more inclined to the idea. I truly believe if we don't begin making the necessary changes which create RP on a larger scale rather than the min max RP that is currently going on.

    • Like 1
  7. 7 minutes ago, Matt Dietrich said:

    From what the first part sounds like this would just absolutely gate keep non gang affiliated criminals, when gangs already have a bench of their own that's different. It would just move the grinding from materials to money so people can buy what they were already grinding for. It wouldn't add any more RP then there already is.

    I have to respectfully disagree with this. I don't believe non gang affiliated criminals should necessarily have access to these things unless it's through RP anyways but that's not my point of the reply. There would be a large element of roleplay added, gangs doing arms dealing would be a thing. Hopefully they would go about it cautiously and methodically so they don't get raided or arrested by PD and so on. I think the RP this would create would be 100x higher than what we currently have and would be a much needed turn the server needs to take to drive us from solo grinding, solo crafting and self supplying to something that is some what an ecosystem. 

    I do understand people's concerns with things being 'gatekept' but if excecuted properly, with access given to gangs that can RP and not gangs which just go to war, then I don't see how something like this could fail. More successful servers had been doing this during their peak and the stories/rp it created just purely around owning or needing access to the producs of a bench was quite special in comparison to what we currently have. Essentially this would be a beginning to pushing the 'serious RP' the server is actually looking to make rather than the min max RP we currently have in the name of fairness.

  8. Definitely agree, the illegal side of the server could be so much more fun if gangs which can provide good rp are given access to their own benches for illegal stuff. rp for supplying and distributing guns, thermite and so on would be nice to see and I think would be a breathe of fresh air. By giving it to gangs that RP and actively monitoring it, the gatekeeping issue would be resolved 

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    1. Character Name: Randolph Cummins
    2. Character ID: 2221
    3. Steam64ID: 6561198169890475
    4. Time & Date of Incident (EST Time): 09:00
    5. Video proof of Incident: https://gyazo.com/ed1c7d1cc94552a3c125284a04971caa
    6. How did you loose the item you are requesting compensation for: : I tried out the new bee hive feature, when collecting the honey it says my pockets were full and it got rid of the honey. I couldn't collect the finished product at all. Lost about 10.5k or so buying the bits you need to start it.
    7. Proof you've reported this as a bug:: https://gyazo.com/d063e20c92e99b6f274f2159a072738c

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