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Posts posted by Jslaughter

    1. Discord Username: HoldenTudix1824
    2. State ID: Enzo Russo
    3. Timezone: EST
    4. Character Name: Enzo Russo
    5. Character Age: 25
    6. References: None
    7. Do you have any prior law enforcement RP experience? If so explain:: Yes I was prior PD in oasis RP. I was PD in that server for about 8 months before deployment. I also held a security/PD position in my OOC job in the military.
    8. When do you feel as an LEO you have to win?: Never. There is never a time you "have" to win every situation is different there will be times to win and times you don't.
    9. Why do you want to join the Los Santos Police Department: Bulk the department make RP fun for everyone
    10. What are some strengths and weaknesses of your character?: Strength- easy to talk to, follows rules, committed
      Weakness- sometimes short tempered
    11. Tell us about more about yourself and your background: I am an active duty US navy corpsman with prior security training. I have been an RP player since 2019 and have had some of the best times of my life here. I want to make every situation enjoyable for others and give them the best experience as possible.
    12. Do you have any prior FiveM experience?: Yes
    13. Do you have any prior FiveM experience?: Yes

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