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moey cartier

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Posts posted by moey cartier

  1. 32 minutes ago, Doug Jumper said:

    I want to change Gang Wars to Thursdays. It will allow us to show the server trailer then and release the updates on Friday so we have a full weekend of updates. Also it doesn't destroy peak time EU on Saturday nights. 


  2. This is the official gang application template, please copy the below, fill it out and post it here.

    Gang Name: Regicide

    Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang):  moey cartier

    Gang Leader Discord: moeymo

    Gang ID (In Game):1137

    Summary of Your Gang (Backstory):  Our gang is a group of like-minded individuals who share a common vision of creating a positive and friendly environment in the game world. We believe that by building strong relationships with other factions and players, we can create a more enjoyable and immersive experience for everyone. We take pride in our reputation for being approachable, trustworthy, and reliable. We work hard to maintain good relationships with other gangs and law enforcement agencies

    Why you would like to become official: So we can make our name known to the people of Texas, and to also have an indistinguishable uniform that people can recognise.

    Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: yeah

    Do you have a uniform available: not yet

    If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.


    Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:
    Member 1:  moey cartier (76561199239181698)
    Member 2:  Biggs cartier (76561198120247415)
    Member 3:  Ben Toki (7656119839891091)
    Member 4:  Danny Weatherbean (76561199238805199)
    Member 5:  symere carter (76561198081883991)
    Member 6:  shannon jeesh (76561198126325587)
    Member 7:  Chad Storm (76561198192243039)
    Member 8:  jahkeem qadiri (76561198881255207)
    Member 9:  Ren Montana (76561198398910916)
    Member 10: Randy Bobandy (76561198087882262)
    Member 11: John woo (76561198056328118)
    Member 12: Hellen Wong (steamid soon hes not on
    Member 13: Jambo Saggin (steamid soon hes not on)
    Member 14: Butter Tenshot (76561198048522626)

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  3. 5 hours ago, Pat Scaletta said:

    Solution on how to make this work?: Increase cap nodes being played at once and rework the entire conflict setup altogether maybe even increase the size (im not a fan of driving far either but I'm trying to think of best case scenario) 

    I agree with everything here, and extra things i would like to note if this is already said then dont mind this:

    • Increase Kuruma despawn times
    • Fix smokes in kurumas but only give a chance at getting a smoke because if not everyone will smoke and it will be unplayable
    • rework the caps make new caps these ones are too open and if you are holding its too easy to hold
    • add more signs so everyone isnt just crowding the signs
    • fix cars breaking on spawn
    • lower the distance that you can start capping from (make it 10m radius of the flag)
    • Fix spawning in with no cars (WORST THING)

    anymore I can think of will be replied with.

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