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Brandon McHelm

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Posts posted by Brandon McHelm

  1. 14 minutes ago, Cory said:

    btw the people who are down voting it are the same ppl who are loop holeing the rule by wallbanging the crates as a cop but cry when they get wallbanged back 🤷‍♂️

    my man spitting, ItS NoT A WalL

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Jordan Fischerman said:

    there is not even a doc department doc shouldnt even be at border its all pointless


    I have not been sent to doc this entire wipe so far idk why it still exists if its never open

    • Like 1
  3. skill issue, nah but really its arma 3 engine related, it happens on vanilla with the trees and shit being put back up after people join or relog, not something you can really fix

  4. 15 minutes ago, Lex Hale said:

    Bad take.  Leave it how it is or change it, we gotta stop labeling everything as exploiting just as a bandaid.  You can’t restrict people from using their scope, and it’s near impossible to catch.  If you want to change it we should be allowed tear gas on SWAT where we throw it and it blurs their screen, but allows them to see silhouettes and add gas masks to crafters or something that reduces the blur by an “x” amount

    Holy shit, someone actually gave an idea and didn't just shitpost and attack people in the thread, I am all for this change, trial it at maybe 1-2 grenades and see how it works

  5. 59 minutes ago, Tyroney White said:

    I kinda find it funny when GLM start moaning over SWAT smokes when they abuse them by standing on them when peaking Labs door. 


    Also coming from the ex SWAT Lt who use to moan that smokes weren't good enough and needed more stuff added.

    I'm asking for them to be removed, I'm not denying anything that was said in the past or anyone's hypocrisy, both sides abuse the smokes to their advantage, it is a unfun playstyle which should be remedied, just adding the fact above about glm moaning when this is the first ever time a suggestion was made regarding this,

    And for your information it was never me moaning about the smokes not being good enough, just more waffle out your ass for some reason, it was the same complaints I'm making now l, both sides can see straight through it and it should be fixed or removed

  6. 6 minutes ago, Tariq Jamal said:

    maybe, didnt change shit i can still look through smoke on both sides with my main scope

    then we should remove it entirely because both sides can abuse it, seems like a good compromise to me

    • TF 1
  7. Type of Suggestion?: Server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: as it currently stands, at majors like labs and national bank where you are mainly pushing one choke point, swat abuses smoke and exploits by standing on a cannister to see the person they want to peak while being completely engulfed into the smoke, i suggest adding a blur to smoke cannister to balance just like smoke has on karumas in conflict

    Solution on how to make this work?: add a blur to smoke cannisters or copy it form the karuma smoke

    Pros & Cons?: no more smoke exploiting, swat might cry

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  8. Punishing Trooper Details 

    Troopers Name: Edward Suarez

    Rank: Senior Trooper

    Badge Number: 200

    Department: SWAT

    Reason for Punishment: Classification K

    Result of Punishment: 1x Written warning


    Authorizing Trooper Details

    Trooper's Name: Brandon Oneil

    Rank: LT

    Badge Number: 125

    Department: SWAT

    Trooper's Signature: B. Oneil

    1. Character Name: Brandon Black
    2. Character ID: 2028
    3. Steam64ID: 76561198013653041
    4. Time & Date of Incident (EST Time): 4:10 est
    5. Video proof of Incident: https://gyazo.com/d2b3c7e962d805689814e73eb69e4080
    6. How did you loose the item you are requesting compensation for: : I sent a transfer to no one and lost 10k
    7. Proof you've reported this as a bug:: https://gyazo.com/568d3b404948fa11f8d47337c7fc69a7

  9. mate this isn't arma, you aren't going to get a message from police in real life that they are coming now are you?
    I get why you would want to be able to defend your stash or move some stuff out but cops irl are just going to show up and raid, no heads up no knowing ahead of time, being a crim myself I see this as a good thing its true to itself, I have to stand with cops on this one

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