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Jaice Casey

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Posts posted by Jaice Casey

  1. Age: 22

    Steam64ID: 76561198134507783

    Country of Residence & Time zone:  EU

    Discord Username:  jaice318


    Character Questions:

    What will your AMR name be: Jaice Anderson

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state):  N/A

    Describe your character: Jaice Anderson is a calm and relaxed person, he has recently moved over to Texas. 

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the AMR: around 10

    Are you a US citizen: Yes

    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the AMR?: Yes

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?: None at this time.

    Why do you want to join the AMR (100 words minimum): I do enjoy the aspect of medical roleplay, AMR is something which I have always enjoyed and find relaxing, I am aware that at times we will work under stress however I do work well under stress and do enjoy it. AMR is something which I have had to put some thought in doing and after being told that I am able to do AMR and have my cousin as an LEO. I have been apart of AMR in other islands and I must say it is enjoyable and I would like to experience it over here in Texas and see where it takes me.

    What qualities should a good AMR member have (50 words minimum): Per the above I have been apart of a medical faction per say in the past, from being Battalion Chief of a fire department to being the chief ambulance officer in another city, I believe that not only my experience would be a good quality but also how I am as a person and that being relaxed and open as well as approachable to all.

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time AMR member (50 words minimum): As I have stated I have previous experience in this role, I do have the time and the knowledge to be apart of AMR, I am aware that it is different to what i have been exposed to in the past and I am up for the challenge, this is why I think I am fit for this role.

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no): Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? (yes/no) Yes

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