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Nick Baker

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Posts posted by Nick Baker

  1. American Medical Rescue
    Candidate Application


    You must be 15 or older to apply.

    Exception to age requirement is at High Command's discretion.

    Personal Information:

    Age: 19

    Steam64ID: 76561198559371714

    Country of Residence & Time zone:  

    Discord Username: USA EST


    Character Questions:

    What will your AMR name be: (Make sure they are separate due to double life & no stupid names allowed) Nick Snow

    Does your character have any criminal convictions (if yes, please state): No

    Describe your character:Very hardworking and is just overall chill

    How many hours per week will you be dedicating to the AMR: 10-20

    Are you a US citizen: Yes

    Personal Questions:

    Do you understand and speak fluent English: Yes

    Is this your first time applying to the AMR?: No

    Any extra information you would like to give to us?: I have been here previously

    Why do you want to join the AMR (100 words minimum):I would like to be a part of the AMR because I would like to meet new people. Joining the department is an awesome way to meet new people. It will also help me build on some characteristics that need improving. I would also like to experience the grind. Being a medic feels great when you do really well. I also really enjoy playing on the server and I want to keep it safe. I really care about this community and I really want to help it. Next, I really enjoy helping people. Another reason is that I would like to expand my experience here. I would also like to learn new things and being a medic is one of the best ways to do that.

    What qualities should a good AMR member have (50 words minimum):The skills that a good medic should possesses are leadership , organization , can make rosters , communication , management , maturity , discipline , helpful , professionalism, respect and strict. So the first thing is leadership. I have been in many leadership positions . I thrive in leadership positions because I feel that I can do more than what a regular medic can do. Next is organization . You have to be organized for almost everything you do. Say that you are in a situation you have to be able to organize the situation and figure everything out. You also use organization to make documents and make things look better and everything like that. Next thing is making rosters . I think this skill is kind of important because not a lot of people can do it. You can use this to keep track of everyone. Next is communication . Communication is key for any department . You need it so you can keep in contact and make sure everyone is up to date on everything. Without communication you don’t really have a working department. Next is management. I am a very good multi tasker. I also know how to manage many things at once which is really useful when their is a lot of things to do. Next is maturity . You have to be mature for people to respect them because you can’t just go around trolling and minging expecting for people to respect you. Next thing is discipline . You must be disciplined because you need something to hold you in line , something to keep you accountable. Next thing is being helpful . I always want try to help someone to the best of my ability. Next is professionalism . You always have to be professional in every situation , that way they have respect for you. Next is respect. I will respect others if they respect , if someone does not serve respect then they will not have any. Lastly strict. You must be strict , you can’t just let things go by .

    Why do you think you fit the role of a full-time AMR member (50 words minimum):I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I am the type person that sets something in front of me and goes for it. I put all my effort into it. I am also a type of person that does not like to sit around and let something bad happen in front of me. I always like to get involved in something. So you might ask what is the main thing that sets me apart from others , well the thing that sets me apart from others is my ability to lead others, organization, communication , maturity , discipline , respect ,  hard work , being fair ,being helpful , moderate, following chain of command  and lastly activity. First off, I am a very good and experienced leader. I have been in many leadership positions and have done good in them. I know how to manage things very well. I have led many things and they have turned into great things. Then I am a very good organizer. I know how to make rosters and documents. I have made many that are still in effect today. Then I know how to do many things at once. I am a very good multi tasker. Then I am good at communicating with others. I keep everyone updated on what happens. Then I know that being in a very tight team that communication is key because without communication there would be no team or squad. Communication is key with almost everything. Then maturity , I consider myself to be very mature because you need to be decisive with your actions . You also can’t act out . You need to be firm and confident in everything that you do. You also need to have the mindset that you can’t mess up because when you eventually do you can be ready to fix your mistake. You always have to be ready to adapt because you never know when something will happen. You have to be ready for any circumstance that comes your way and you have to deal with it professionally. The next thing is discipline. Discipline is key to hold your self inline . It is also used to hold yourself accountable. Next is having respect. You have to respect others no matter if they have a higher position or if they have a lower position . I know how to respect others no matter what rank. I treat them equally as it should be. You can’t go into a situation with the mindset that you are better than they are. Next thing is that I am a very hard worker . When I set something on my mind I complete it to the best of my ability no matter what. I have always had a stride to set goals and accomplish them. I always see through to the end. In my book quitting is not an option, only adapting , pushing through and accomplishing is. My next ability is being fair. As an medic you have to treat everyone the same . No matter if they are a higher rank or just a regular member. You have to treat others as they are a regular member. Also this is helpful in interviews because you can’t be biased. The next thing that I consider myself good at is being helpful. The next thing that I am good at is enforcing  things. You have to be able to do the right things even though it is not the most popular thing. I will always pick the right thing over the most unpopular choice. You also have to be ready for any situation that comes your way. Next I am very good at following COC. I feel that this is important because you need to go through the proper rank that way a Major doesn’t have to deal with something that a Lieutenant could do. There's a reason for COC and that reason is because there are ranks that can do certain things and you should go up the chain of command to those people. If I had a problem this is the COC that I would follow: .   Finally activity . As a medic you have to be active both in game and on ts . This is really important because the medic uses both of those platforms to function.

    Do you understand your application may be denied for lack of effort? (yes/no):Yes

    Do you understand, that after you get your application accepted, you will go through an interview and training? Yes

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