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Liam Joseph

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Posts posted by Liam Joseph

  1. Name: Liam Joseph
    Time played on 3.0: Since March
    Do you have anything in the next month that will effect you being able to help testing: No
    Do you understand you will be expected to do hours of tedious tasks: Yes
    Do you understand you will be required to sign an NDA: Yes (any OG anzus people will not need to do this)
  2. 27 minutes ago, Jason Matthew said:

    The Issue: 

    Match of force with police vs civs


    My Solution: 

    Remove the rule that forces police to match force against civs, this is utter nonsense and gets cops killed all the time because they have to swap weapons the moment they get ambushed.

    If you attack a cop, u have to be willing to deal with what they use, not expect them to make it easier cause u decide to use a pistol.

    Yeah this rule results in a lot of confusion at times. For example: A group of people use pistols which results in cops having to switch to pistols. Then, during the gunfight they switch to their class 3 which results in cops not being able to do anything about it. Also, if you get initiated on behind cover with your class 3 and they have pistols, you would have to get your pistol out of your belt and by then you would most likely be dead. In my opinion of how everything is at the moment, people are not scared of police like how they should be due to jail times being not as high and sop restrictions etc. It would be cool for someone to look at these small stuff like this issue here and find a way to fix and resolve them.

  3. 22 hours ago, Doug Jumper said:

    Hi everyone, with 3.2 we tried to add d3s cars and there was an unknown factor causing the server to crash forcing us to revert.
    We still plan to add these cars asap but I need a team of dedicated people who have fast internet and are keen to test (Sit there on a server for 30mins ish to see if it crashes)

    If you're interested join this discord: https://discord.gg/ehVUF9

    We will do the testing sometimes this week depending on a few things in relation to COVID-19.

    Need any more people?

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