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Juan Penito

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Posts posted by Juan Penito

  1. 1 hour ago, Jack Knight said:

    If it was wrongly impounded, then appeal it and get the money back from the courts. 


    -1 to this as I believe not only is this a money sink but it deters people using certain vehicles in crimes. 

    agree to disagree 75k is a crazy amount also workers for vantage dont near enough get that much and think its a crazy disproportion it should be maybe 2-3x what vantage get paid to create a money sink , not a 7.5x amount for this vehicle

  2. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.)server suggestion 

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game)

    Recently after making meth and spending hundreds of thousands to get the lab and some upgrade I have hit an issue aswell as multiple people.

    Currently to start the drop mission I believe it requires 4 bortac problem is I have found it hard to know when 4 are online and resulted to looking for teamspeak tags aswell as finding a lot of the time 4 of them aren’t online.

    I believe this issue arises as the drug drops used to go off cg online which is now jtf I believe but could be wrong and therefor not near enough members.

    my problem- I have only been able to do it twice so far at around like 6-7am Uk time which is extremely inconvenient and shows it’s near impossible to find perfect time 

    Solution on how to make this work?:

    change the amount needed or show us how many bortac are online through the 911 app or link it to jtf so it’s doable.

    Pros & Cons?: less anger from people I can do my runs we spent tons of money for , less bug reports people thinking it’s just broken 

    cons - none I think of 

    • Like 2
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  3. -1 crafting was too cheap , guns need to be more expensive for the higher tier better ones , all runs to craft was legal too which makes no sense going all legal to class 3 weapons.

  4. + and - , if you are able to group with more than 8 you should be able to , conflict is negative as 8 manning one points where you have to push and jump out cars already disadvantaged so 8 max. Smaller planned fights like gas stations etc should be limited to maybe 4/5 , i believe each scenario has different points and reasons and will be too confusing.

  5. Could allow a system to dnr someone from another person etc but for a cost of the kit of whoever is dead when using a item , this would stop people abusing and making other people dnr and can only be used in heavy rp situations. And if I’m gonna be honest I’ve seen some questionable plays from whitelisted faction members early game already so don’t believe if it was a thing it should be restricted to them. If you are using the dnr for rp usually pricing isn’t a issue in my view as it’s not about the money 

  6. honestly i dont mind loosing the -1 it deters people and im happy with that , love the enforcment of having to w key and keep it fast paced 

  7. i like this idea but defo shouldnt be that much of a percentage , its like live cash out on bettings can do it but its drastically low unless you get really close so if its only like 20% of way done should only recieve maybe 10-5% remember this is just a bonus to what you achieve already

  8. Type of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.)server

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it.: (try use an example of what has happened in-game)

    For example i gave someone 2 cyanides now that cost me 7k relatively expensive and then the medics just revive them , why are they able to revive them seems like a waste OF money and time and effort 

    Solution on how to make this work?:Make the un revivable

    Pros & Cons?:pros they dead im happy cons cops maybe unhappy they cant revive people

    Please go into great detail with your suggestions, if its economy related give us the numbers you think will make it work and why. RP

  9. I've had a lot of fun but one criticism I would say - is to the first rule change on numbers when it's visibly one car in a chase and your vs 5 police cars and its 1v3+ its hard I understand that how it would be realistically however this kinda sucks from my POV although everything else even from just a few hours has been fun and I know elk is cool to vibe in (this is just me crying since I lost ) 

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