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Jimmy Jimbo

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Posts posted by Jimmy Jimbo

  1. ype of Suggestion?: (e.g. server suggestion, server rule suggestion.) Server Suggestion

    Please explain what the suggestion is about and why you're posting it?: (try use an example of what has happened in-game)

    Currently levelling up Drug trafficking / doing weed maps is not worth. I don't know whether the intention for weeds maps was to be a way to make money for the whole wipe / map. I would like to see weeds maps be another way to make good money. Right now the only way i see people making money is through contracts. I would like to see a variety of ways to make money.

    Moonshine crates are at a set price of 4350 for 4 crates which you will only be making 750 profit which is not at all much with the amount of time you spend gathering ( Wood ), Crafting and delivering the crates ( keeping in mind you have to return back to your house every time you do 1 delivery because of the space each crate weighs ). Also it taking 40 minutes for seeds to grow is just adding on the time. 

    The risk of doing weeds maps is insane with the amount of time it takes, Its not worth at all with the risk of getting arrested and then getting sent to jail for a maximum time of 45 minutes without/not able to work with DTU is just crazy. 

    Paying fees to turf owners takes a small cut, but in the long run it turns out to be a big massive because of how little money your making. Denying the fees only increases the risk of losing all profits when you have a tracker on you and the turf owners being able to straight up rob you with no warning

    My mate and I tested to see who would make more money him processing and selling to drug dealer or me doing joints. By the time he had made a bit over +40k i had only made 15k over a time period of 2 -4 hours ( starting from when all the weed had been grown ), With  part being way less risker 

    Solution on how to make this work?

    - Increase Price on each joint / baggie / crate with every 5 or 10 levels

    - Allow us to see the location of the buyers or let it tell us how far the deliveries are from your current location

    -  Make a way to increase time that you hand in the drugs when at location Either through perks or the Drug trafficking skill

    Pros & Cons?:


    - Makes another good method / way to make money

    - Evenly weighs out the risk to reward

    - Rewards People that are higher level


    - At the start could be broken but easy fix with testing prices



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