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  1. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QIgVlJRKS1YUrYxotQGDuw0OKAFqJTGUWJJYPc5IKho/ Hello everyone, we will be hosting another auction event with tons of goodies up for purchase! [IMAGES BELOW OF ITEMS UP FOR GRABS] Next Saturday (9th November) 6PM BST, 1PM EST, 4AM AEDT (Sunday), 7AM NZT (Sunday) Double XP is currently live so go grind to save up for the event! MORE INFO WILL BE RELEASED CLOSER TO DATE If you have having trouble joining the server follow the thread below. https://www.anzus.life/topic/14482-required-arma-3-194-downgrade-guide/ If you have any item suggestions for the auction please let me know by posting a comment.
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