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Kamdan Life 2.6.4 [Map changes, New robbery mission, New gang uniforms]

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  • Project Lead

 Kamdan Life 2.6.4
Google Drive (1GB)https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NVXnGwmskSXM1VWIMsurK4-L2_-Q8QNb/view?usp=sharing
Arma 3 Sync:
Thank you to all the people who helped with this update! - Doug

  • Car robbery mission (will be enabled mid week)
    • Explanation: Random cars spawn across the map in different spots and people can break into them like houses. You get a lot of random stuff like money, phones etc that can be sold at the burglary store.
    • Items needed: Lockpick
    • Commonly spawned in car parks all across the map
    • Cops are sometimes notified
  • New farming system
    • Currently only uses Weed Plants and Mushroom Plants
    • You get mushroom seeds from the market and cannabis seeds from rebel/illegal trader
    • Plant your plants on brown fertile land (Example here)
      • If you plant on skystead farm land the growing time is halved
    • You can't plant 2KM from the processors
    • Both items have been slightly buffed and we will monitor their costs over the next week
    • You get EXP when you harvest the plants
  • New gang uniforms
    • Children of Gaben
    • DND
    • UN
    • Pegasus PMC
    • Cocaine Cowboys
    • UrDeed
    • TSGF
    • NTD
  • New police uniforms
    • DOC Complete rework
    • Patrol Complete rework
    • State Command/Command new police skins
    • CRT Complete rework
  • New SWAT tiger vehicle
  • Map changes
    • The goal of the map changes is too make less roads for more player interaction. If you have any suggestions on how to fix this feel free to post under suggestions. Note: These changes are not fine tuned yet but we ran out of time.
    • New grass texture
    • New farm texture
    • Highway between Amber Trailer Park and Rebel Changed
    • Garys Gas Stop and Rebel turnoff intersection changed
    • Highway under LSD going towards DOC changed
    • Oldsbury highway no longer exists it now goes straight through Oldsbury
    • New bridge east of Oldsbury
    • Sheriff office moved
    • Police training remade/moved
    • DOJ HQ moved outside DOC
    • Two new lakes made
    • New port
  • Military ship moved
    • Military ship is now in land too see if it makes it done more often
    • It has ways to enter the ship without helicopters but helicopters can still be useful
  • New Streamer Death Freecam Added 
  • Transport truck weapon buff
  • Transport truck weapon bug fixed
  • Commonwealth Bank slightly nerfed from average $600,000 to $500,000
  • Ford raptor space now 60
  • National Bank changes
    • Second entrance on the right hand side (SWAT can blow this with blasting charges)
    • HUGE optimization changes to make it pretty much no lag
  • Female heads added
  • Halved the volume of the EC helicopter
  • New jail uniform
  • DOC release is now at a bus stop away from national bank
  • Lots of backend changes for future updates
  • Removed ability to keychain people in combat
  • Can longer give items from an infinite distance


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24 minutes ago, Dave Kuroway said:

Mushroom and Weed are complete ass now. Takes 10 minutes to grow the damn things. The price has not changed at all. Can't even gather them sometimes. I say go back to old system. Only way to make money now is heroin,coke, and uranium.

what are you on about? 100 seeds for $7,500 minus $12,500 in processing fees, I profited over $150,000 in about 40 minutes.

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