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Magnum Coast - Offical Gang Application

Jay Owen

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Gang Name:  Magnum Coast
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang):  Jay Owen
Gang Leader Discord:  KingKol#8297

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): Magnum Coast Used to be the leaders of the Blood Diamond smuggling that took place in and out of Altis, after years of blood being spilled between the Police and several rival gangs, the leaders of Magnum Coast decided to leave the island and go their separate ways leaving the lower ranks to fend for themselves and try to keep the Blood Diamond trade alive. Many smugglers perished or gave up and joined the Poseidon Cartel as they had been promised money and power. But power gets to peoples heads and with that being said, the cartel was slowly becoming corrupt. But now WE ARE BACK. Magnum Coast is back and we are here to stay. Not only are we back, but we are here to takeover all drug operations in Kamdan and reclaim what was once ours, and anyone that stands in our way will face extreme cases of violence or even death!

Why you would like to become official:  Magnum Coast is a very disciplined Cartel that role plays to the standard of a  faction. We believe in providing Good Role-play, fun and a refined combat group when needed. I Understand the struggles of a New player as i have been there myself. Now that i am able to help others Magnum Coast welcomes all those who are in need of a gang. In order to carry out the Plan i think a identity as we carry out our Operations and by becoming a Official gang it give us a goal to strive for even more.

Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found hereYes

Do you have a uniform available: 

Members List:
Member #1: Jay Owen (76561198276847915)

Member #2: Jack small (76561199345269234)

Member #3: Jesper Snigel (76561198107126808)

Member #4: Micheal Williams (76561198031315632)

Member #5: Joey tims(76561198213374085)

Member #6 Ali Hassan (76561198311136586)



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