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ATK Official Gang Application

Jon Wonton

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Gang Name: ATK (Aim To Kill)
Gang Leader: Jon Freemen
Gang Leader Discord: jon#8036

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): Owned by 3 brothers, ATK started off as a small group just attempting to make money in Kamdan. Since then, it has expanded into a large operation with many active members. ATK deals in all types of crime from majors, conflict, capture zones, drug running, and ensuring safety of civilians as a cartel. 

Why you would like to become official: Over the last 2 months, we've been expanding our gang operation and recruiting active, loyal members. We all love fun and interactive roleplay situations so becoming an official gang will allow us to benefit newer players who need help around the island. We have members from multiple time zones so there is activity at all times of day. 

Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes




Member List:

Jordon Freemen (76561198104369569)

Jon Freemen (76561198272092861)

Alex Freemen (76561198155918626)

Harvey Wood (76561198197602629)

Chase Cameron (76561198169260982)

Austin Richardson (76561198294244500)

Jared Salyers (76561198237467454)

Matt Banson (76561198255006936)

Drew Cortez (76561199013566214)

Ghost Smith (76561199079546392)

Trevor Hobbs (76561198152209676)

Gerri Baldi (76561198193716329)

Tyrie Mims (76561199088744646)

Oozie Leandro (Don't have ID)

Andrew Jones (Don't have ID)




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