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PLUS Official Gang Application

Andy Zhu

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Gang Name: PLUS (People Like Us)
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang):  Andy Zhu
Gang Leader Discord: Andy#1495

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): A physical running business in an alternative universe with 9 locations, 250+ employees and actual apparel that will be used in the Florida's branch gang apparel. We are a new group of guys who flew in from around the world. With most of us having extensive business backgrounds in our dream lives we would like to bring that to Florida and become the entrepreneurs that this beautiful city needs to grow and develop. The Hustle really doesn't stop, We aim to be a staple in this beautiful land and meet more PEOPLE LIKE US (PLUS).
Why you would like to become official: We want to be held at a higher standard, be a pillar in the community. Help out the new civilians with a way to make money right off the bat, discounted rentals, discounted services, and offer to buy their legal goods.
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: YES

Do you have a uniform available:  CURRENTLY being worked on by the wonderful @Seska should be done in the next day or two!


Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:
Member #1: Andy Zhu (76561198137573578)
Member #2: Donny Tortuga (76561198065103067)

Member #3: Frank Costello (76561198082049457)
Member #4: Morgan Hendershot (76561198045560583)
Member #5: Matt Trano (76561198138719903)

plus_3d WHITE.png

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