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Zone8-Official Gang Application

Bruno Florio

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-Gang Name: Zone8

-Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): Bruno Florio

-Gang Leader Discord: leosok#8380                                                                                     

-Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc):                                                                                              

An Italian man came to Florida for a better life, he quickly had a strong grip of making good money he shared his ways with fellow foreigners and started an organized gang that is focust on pure profits. They call themselves Zone8 and their success come from being productive. They work together to prevent getting robbed or arrested, and word on the streets say that they are mass-producing guns but are yet to be caught.

Not only that, but they are humble and open to help people who are struggling because they know how strong people that seem clueless can be, and because of that they keep growing in numbers and in power in the state.


-Why you would like to become official?:

We are growing in size, and we really want to participate in the gang war and be able to benefit from the other benefits. We already help new people daily and do enough majors in a week that we figured we could grow as a gang when we become official.

We also want to contribute to the community because we are all having a blast growing our gang and being active on the island.

-Have you read the Official Gang Information thread?: Yes     

-Do you have a uniform available?: Yes















Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:

Member#1: Bruno Florio (76561198371073588)

Member#2: Elezo Pelatone (76561198213098699)

Member#3: Jacob Zacal (76561198307664355)

Member#4: Billy Johnson(76561198833977959)

Member#5:Zaccaria Mouhib(76561197960287930)

Member#6:Jimmy Barlowe(

Member#7:Jon Grant(

Member#8:Jake Read(

Member#9:Deso Dan(76561198135707570)

Member#10:Adam Byrne(76561199031181500)

Member#11:Robin Parker(76561198107676031)

Member#12:Jack Penjamin(

Member#13:Eli Scheme(76561198095521148)

Member#14:Jacob Warren(76561198280509402)


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