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Gang application LegoLovers

Felix Wilson

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Gang Name: LegoLovers
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): Felix Wilson
Gang Leader Discord: Kongen21694201337#4676

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): We were children born and raised in Denmark the home of Lego. We loved playing with  Legos. One day an opposing gang stole our legos. We would not tolerate our Lego being handled this way. So from all the Lego wars we have done our schizophrenic minds told us to eradicate our opposition. From this event we got known throughtout our school as the "LegoLovers" and it stuck with us our whole lives. Now we rob and slaughter people for their rare Legos. Right now our main objective as a gang is locating and acquiring Lego set #75313

Why you would like to become official: So we can get a hideout where we can build Legos and compete to be the top Lego gang.
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes

Do you have a uniform available: No
If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.

We wish to just have lego helmets as our uniform if they are available on the server.


Please provide a list of your gang members using the following format:
Member #1: Felix Wilson(76561198063879253)

Member #2 Connor Mcgregs(76561198085195749)

Member #3 Joe Niebuhr(76561198254475228)

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