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Clueless Official Gang Application

Julian Jackson

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Gang Name: Clueless
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): currently carter jaxon but julian jackson is being transferred ownership
Gang Leader Discord: Frad#0943

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): A UK based gang with experienced criminals with a common aim, making money.
Why you would like to become official: So we can expand the gang further and take part in gang wars etc.
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes

Do you have a uniform available: Yes its already ingame
If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.

Julian Jackson
Jack Jago
Paul Jones
Karen Wheeler

Carter Jaxon
James Anderson
Dalton Stone
Alex South
Danny Leruso

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Your application has been accepted please ensure you have your entire gang join the Civ/Gang Discord and ask for tags https://discord.gg/GXTgRCvh once your whole gang is in there I will explain some stuff in there

On 12/9/2023 at 5:57 PM, Julian Jackson said:

Gang Name: Clueless
Gang Leader(Owner of the in-game gang): currently carter jaxon but julian jackson is being transferred ownership
Gang Leader Discord: Frad#0943

Summary of Your Gang (Backstory, etc): A UK based gang with experienced criminals with a common aim, making money.
Why you would like to become official: So we can expand the gang further and take part in gang wars etc.
Have you read the Official Gang Information thread, found here: Yes

Do you have a uniform available: Yes its already ingame
If you have a uniform available please post it in the format below.

Julian Jackson
Jack Jago
Paul Jones
Karen Wheeler

Carter Jaxon
James Anderson
Dalton Stone
Alex South
Danny Leruso


 Charlie Nugget -Owner -Dirty Bandits-Anzus Staff Team 


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