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Yakim Shepherd - Blacklist Appeal

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Trooper's Details

Troopers Name: Yakim Shepherd

Your Rank:  Trooper

Your Department:  MSP

Your Badge Number: Forgot


Discipline Information

Punishing Trooper: I forgot

Their Rank:  I forgot

Their Badge Number: I forgot

Punishment you where given: permanent blacklist

Link to punishment report: I don't have the link


Please provide in detail on what happened?: I met all the requirements for a promotion and my promotion was put off. I then got into an argument with a command member back then I had a short fuse and was set off, I said some things I shouldn't have.

Why should your punishment be overturned?: I've had some life style changes and have dealt with my anger issues, I believe i've changed for the better.

Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: Y

Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended): N


Trooper's Signature: Yakim Shepherd

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