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James Chappers - DOC - Discipline Dispute

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Trooper's Details

Troopers Name: James Chappers

Your Rank: CPL

Your Department: DOC 

Your Badge Number: 164


Discipline Information

Punishing Trooper: Adam Mada

Their Rank: CPT

Their Badge Number: 111

Punishment you where given: ROFT

Link to punishment report


Please provide in detail on what happened?: 3 guys walked towards DOC, while a transport truck was being unloaded making DOC a redzone as they were outside of voice range, I shot 2-3 5-10 meters in front of them to warn them to stay out of DOC, as they were in the redzone allowing anyone to shot then, this is not against UOF or Classification L

Why should your punishment be overturned?: 3 guys walked towards DOC, while a transport truck was being unloaded making DOC a redzone as they were outside of voice range, I shot 2-3 5-10 meters in front of them to warn them to stay out of DOC, as they were in the redzone allowing anyone to shot then, this is not against UOF or Classification L

Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: Yes

Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended):


Trooper's Signature: JChappers

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