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Tomy Khan - Patrol - Disciplinary Appeal

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Trooper's Details

Troopers Name:Tomy Khan

Your Rank:Cpl

Your Department:Patrol 

Your Badge Number: 174


Discipline Information

Punishing Trooper:Matt Volz

Their Rank: captain

Their Badge Number:110 

Punishment you where givenWritten Warning

Link to punishment report:


Please provide in detail on what happened?:I was processing a suspect and was joking around with him and a deputy was there (not sure who it was) but he was joking around with us aswell and as a part of the jokes I tased him and he was okay with it and we all started laughing

Why should your punishment be overturned?:I got on after having an argument with members of PD and wanted to blow off some steam and have fun so I was arresting Leon Rambo and we made jokes and were joking around I joke around with civs to make my day and theirs better and fun. As well as the video was sent to matt by Leon as a joke not a complaint I talked to leon after it to see if hes mad that I did that or he was having fun, he told me he was okay with it and didnt file a complaint against me. We all joke around even our commissioner does as long as it doesnt make us look bad or hurt the other person's feelings and thats what I did a harmless joke that got all of us laughing around. (I have more words to say but cant say it here only in private chats) I have a clean record ever since KCSO never a single warning was given to me whether it was verbal or written. 

Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?:Yes

Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended):Yes


Trooper's Signature:Tomy Khan

HMT Corporal | Patrol Senior Deputy
KCSA Academy Supervisor

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