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Reece Rowdy - Disciplinary Action Dispute

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Trooper's Details

Troopers Name: Reece Rowdy

Your Rank: Sergeant

Your Department: FBI

Your Badge Number: 958


Discipline Information

Punishing Trooper: Jackson Black, Oliver Grogan

Their Rank: Captain, Undersheriff

Their Badge Number: OL-01, 101

Punishment you where given: 15 Points & 1.5 Day Suspension 

Link to punishment report


Please provide in detail on what happened?: On Friday August 16th, 2024 I was patrolling around the state of New York while I was active PCO and watching over the deputies who was patrolling Suffolk's County. I had just booked a suspect into the Suffolk's County Jail and was leaving. Suddenly I got a message on my MDT saying that Jackson Black has taken Watch Commander and shortly after he took watch commander he displayed a message stating a situation at CG Base. I did not see this message because I was inside of the MDT and wasn't able to see any incoming messages. Around 20 seconds passed from Captain Black taking my PCO from me and I call him. I stated over the phone to him to make sure that he calls over to the current watch commander and make sure that it is ok for him to take it, or at the least to have him notify them that he is wishing to take it from them to ensure that conflict does not erupt. He denies my request to hand it back over because "He is command and he can take if he wants". I hung him the phone and then went to went to my twitter app on my phone and stated the following "@JacksonBlack I hope you drown". I have always seen Jackson Black as a friend, we have always joked around together for countless months and was not expecting him to take action on that or to get offended by that. I have later apologized to him in private, out of game (Found in Evidence #1). After sending that message on twitter I returned on patrol thinking nothing of it. Later on a major crime popped, the Casino, I responded to that major crime and sadly it was cut short due to a untrained DOC Deputy crashed it into the building, blowing up the building. I later found out that deputy only received 5 points & a 1 day suspension (Found in evidence #2). After the major concluded I stud by some deputies and had a conversation, Captain Black came up to me and requested to speak to me about 5 meters away and told me that I would be receiving the punishment of 15 points & a 2 day suspension. At first I did not believe him for several reasons, I did not really think that Captain Black would punish me for something I said to him over twitter and secondly he was at no authorly to punish me. Then he tells me that he has stripped my whitelisting and demands me to get off duty. I completely thought that we was joking with me and denied the fact that he was actually punishing me and walked away from him. He then calls over Undersheriff Oliver Grogan and they speak, they call me back after they have their conversation and Oliver Grogan states that they are punishing me. I state that we should go somewhere a bit more private than a just completed major crime due to there was many deputies and civilians coming up to us. We then go into the PD's meeting room and we have a nice timely conversation speaking on many things. I do offer to apologize to him and tell him that this situation does not have to go further between Jackson and I. I do apologize to him on twitter as well. After he declines I ask him if he thinks that 15 points is too much for the circumstances, he then says that he will be sticking with the punishment. I accepted my punishment and go off duty. Shortly later I was told that my punishment has been voided because Jackson Black violated his AOP, state command reviewed the case and sent Jackson the greenlight to punish me again. I did go back on patrol for around an hour while my punishment was voided. 

Why should your punishment be overturned?: I simply just think that the punishment that I was given is too harsh. I do not want to relate my cases to other's but I have seen people get far less points for far more intensity of violations. I have been a member of the Anzus Gaming Law Enforcement for many years, now those years being on and off and earlier being known as a different name, I have only received one other disciplary action against myself. I rarely get in trouble with command, other deputies, and has never had a valid Internal Affairs case against me. I have venture off to say that I have put around 1,000+ hours into the AG police force and has kept my hands pretty clean. I can truthfully say that I have never executed somebody or partook in serious violations to my SOPs. Now some of my friends call me a pussy, some just call me cautious. I just would think that due to the light severity of my actions, that such a harsh punishment would be thrown upon me. Again I am very guilty of misusing social media and I do regret sending that message and can ensure you, the reader, and the Sheriff's Office that I will watch what I say and how I act whilst employed with the SCSO. Thank you for reading. 

Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: Yes

Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended): Yes

Evidence #1 - Private Discord Messages

Evidence #2 - SCSO Punishment Records

Evidence #3 - Found in #cpl-communications ; SCSO Discord

Evidence #4&5 - SCSO Demerit Sheet; I have received Max Punishment for my violations. For one poorly minded tweet. :( 



Trooper's Signature:  Sgt. Reece Rowdy

Edited by Reece Anderson

AnzusGaming Jedi Member

CTRG Sr. Corporal In Charge | FBI Supervisory Agent

"When the time is right, I, the Lord, will make it happen." (Isaiah 60:22)

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