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Ben Dover - SCSO Application

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Applicant Information:

    Officer Name: Ben Dover

    Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: 04/12/2003

    Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER): NA EST

    Steam 64 ID: 76561198381142849

    Character ID (In-Game): 3775

    Link to your forum profile: Alex Willson - ANZUSGaming

    Link to your Steam profile: Steam Community :: Apex135

    Discord Username & ID: Apex135

Law Enforcement Background:

Why do you want to join the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office? (100 words minimum):

 Back in 2019 I worked for Kings County sheriff's office under the name of Ben Dover. Joining the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office is a profound opportunity to serve my community and contribute to public safety. I admire the Sheriff's Office's commitment to integrity, professionalism, and community engagement. I believe that law enforcement plays a crucial role in fostering trust and collaboration between officers and the community. As an individual I want to work with my community to make the streets a safe place for the residents and my fellow officers. I believe I can make a difference here as an officer of the law.

What skills/talents can you bring to the SCSO (75 words minimum):

I bring strong communication skills, which are essential for building relationships with the others around me and fostering trust within the community. My problem-solving abilities enable me to assess situations effectively and make informed decisions under extreme pressure. Additionally, I have experience in conflict resolution, allowing me to de-escalate tense situations effectively. My dedication to teamwork ensures that I can collaborate with colleagues to achieve common goals. finally, my commitment to continuous learning will help me adapt to new challenges in law enforcement.

Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the SCSO. (75 words minimum):

You should choose me for the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office because of my unwavering dedication to community engagement and public safety. My background in conflict resolution and excellent interpersonal skills enable me to connect with diverse populations effectively. I bring a proactive mindset and am always seeking innovative solutions to challenges. My commitment to integrity and continuous improvement sets me apart from others. I will contribute positively to the team and uphold the values of the Sheriff's Office in every interaction.

Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”):

Yes, I served in a neighboring police department, as well as EMS for an extended period of time back in 2019-2020 era. 

Specify any corrections-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”):

    Anzus Arma Kings County Sheriffs Office, I cannot recall the rank.

Additional DPS Details:

Do you have any references from current serving SCSO members or relevant corrections personnel? (Not Required):

Alex Jornseif

Are you adept at handling conflicts with patience and efficiency?:


Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in correctional related operations?:


Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to corrections?:


Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from SCSO?:


Do you commit to following the global handbook, DOC Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?:


Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from SCSO?:


Do you understand that any proven corruption within SCSO may lead to immediate removal?:


Confirm that your application complies with all relevant SCSO application requirements?:


Applicant's Signature: Ben Dover

Please sign with your SCSO name: Ben Dover

[Ben Dover]

Edited by Alex Willson
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