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Leandro Calipso - SCSO Application

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Suffolk County Sheriff's Office Application

Applicant Information:

    Officer Name: Leandro Calipso

    Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: [28/04/2005]

    Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER): EU

    Steam 64 ID:76561198943414294

    Character ID (In-Game): 3776

    Link to your forum profile:https://anzus.life/profile/23638-pedro-crimson/

    Link to your Steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198943414294/

    Discord Username & ID:__0xide__

Law Enforcement Background:

Why do you want to join the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office? (100 words minimum):

Leandro has been in mutiple Police forces around citys like Los Santos and Blain County even as far of being Chief of Police in Los Santos with the gatherd Knollage of HRT SWAT Undercover and mutiple other deparments he is sure to be a great additon to the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office. After getting and almost near death experiance on duty Leandro Decided to leave his life behind and retire he moved out of Los Santos and moved to New York after a few years of enjoying his life in an office Job he knew that he needed to do greater things so he decide to try his luck and make his skills useful for the Suffolk County Sheriff's Office

What skills/talents can you bring to the SCSO (75 words minimum):

    [Because of my Experience with multiple RP projects on Gta like Grand Rp and Tales of Vinewood i know ill be able to bring Great Rp and new Ideas on how to RP with people. And with my past experience in Law enforcement in other server and with my experiance in Hardcore Police RP i can confidently say that i am going to bring policing and The RP as a Police officer on a hole new Level]

Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the SCSO. (75 words minimum):

    [Compaird to other people is that i have a lot of experiance in other place witch mean it wont be as difficult to train me since i have done most of it before also my Idea from other citys could be maby a chance to change things and make them even better and lastly ofc my RP experiance i take RP itself very serious and try to get the most of it in every situation im in ]

Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”):

    [- GTA RP RAGE MP: Grand RP ,Tales of vinewood
     - Arma 3 RP: Reborn RP ]

Specify any corrections-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”):

    [- GTA: Admin of LSPD, Chief of Police, Undercover High comand HOD of SWAT, HOD of HRT, FIB Supervisor, Head of IRS Goverment, Director of the Secret Service

     - Arma 3: Lance corporal of Swat]

Additional DPS Details:

Do you have any references from current serving SCSO members or relevant corrections personnel? (Not Required):

    [No i do not]

Are you adept at handling conflicts with patience and efficiency?:

    [I resolve all my situation with the upmost patience and perfection]

Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in correctional related operations?:

    [Yes i can]

Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to corrections?:

    [Because of my past experiance yes i am]

Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from SCSO?:


Do you commit to following the global handbook, DOC Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?:


Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from SCSO?:


Do you understand that any proven corruption within SCSO may lead to immediate removal?:


Confirm that your application complies with all relevant SCSO application requirements?:


Applicant's Signature:

Please sign with your SCSO name:

[Leandro Calipso]

Edited by Pedro Crimson
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