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  1. Past hour
  2. Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by State Command - 16-June-2024 Alshiq Fatarra, TxDPS State Command
  3. Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by JTF-T Command - 16/06/2024 Jokko Saunters, JTF-T Command
  4. Today
  5. Applicant Information: Officer Name: Juul Rocket Real Life Date of Birth [DD/MM/YY]: 17/07/2005 Timezone/Region (NA/EU/AU/OTHER): NA Steam 64 ID: 76561198384104500 Character ID (In-Game): 1369 Link to your forum profile: https://anzus.life/profile/5285-john-rocket/ Link to your Steam profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198384104500/ Discord Username & ID: john__rocket & 322836418730786817 Law Enforcement Background: 3.0 KCSO Patrol Sergeant, 4.0 CGIS Seaman, 5.0 Patrol Corporal Why do you want to join the Texas Department of Public Safety? (100 words minimum): I am eager to be a part of the Texas Highway Patrol because I am deeply committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of the community. The values upheld by the Texas Highway Patrol align closely with my own, emphasizing quick decision-making, dedication, and a strong work ethic. I am inspired by the opportunity to contribute to the enforcement of law and order on the highways of Texas, making a positive impact on the lives of residents and visitors alike. The focus on teamwork within the organization resonates with my collaborative nature, and I am excited about the prospect of working alongside dedicated colleagues to optimize patrolling strategies and enhance overall safety. Joining the Texas Highway Patrol represents not just a job but a meaningful commitment to serving the public and upholding the values of security and integrity that are essential for a thriving community. What skills/talents can you bring to the TxDPS (75 words minimum): My ability to think on my feet enables me to make quick and effective decisions in high-pressure situations, ensuring timely responses to potential safety concerns. I am highly dedicated to my responsibilities and maintain a strong work ethic, resulting in a thorough and consistent approach to patrolling. I address issues promptly and diligently, prioritizing the safety of the community. Recognizing the importance of teamwork within the Texas Highway Patrol, I can collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, coordinating efforts to optimize patrolling strategies and enhance overall safety. Additionally, my adaptability to different situations and environments allows me to navigate diverse challenges on the road and respond appropriately to evolving safety concerns. This skill contributes to the effectiveness of our collective efforts in maintaining a secure environment for the residents and visitors of Texas. Tell us why we should choose you over other applicants to join the TxDPS. (75 words minimum): I possess the ability to think quickly on my feet and am always prepared to move at a moment's notice. My dedication to what I love doing is unwavering, and I consistently push my limits to achieve my dreams. Loyalty and determination are just a couple of the qualities that define me. I thoroughly enjoy laughter and find pleasure in patrolling while having a good time. However, when the situation demands seriousness, I am ready to take charge and strive for the best possible outcome. Any past experience related to Police or Law Enforcement on an ArmA 3/FiveM server? (If none put “N/A”): 3.0 KCSO Patrol Sergeant, 4.0 CGIS Seaman, 5.0 Patrol Corporal Specify any border-related departments & servers where you were active or held a rank (If none put “N/A”): Besides Anzus it was Olympus Life PO Additional DPS Details: Do you have any references from current serving TxDPS members or relevant border security personnel? (Not Required): I currently have a couple Are you adept at handling border-related situations and conflicts with patience and efficiency?: Confidently and Responsibly, Yes Can you communicate clearly in the English language, crucial for efficient coordination in border control operations?: Perfect English and Spanish Are you capable of working under high-stress situations, especially those related to border security?: Yes Do you agree that, if accepted, you will complete all required border enforcement trainings and evaluations within 10 days, or face removal from TxDPS?: Yes Do you commit to following the global handbook, JTF-T Standard Operating Procedures, all announcements, and policies related to border protection?: Yes Do you acknowledge that providing false information in your application could result in blacklisting from TxDPS?: Yes Do you understand that any proven corruption within TxDPS may lead to immediate removal?: Yes Confirm that your application complies with all relevant TxDPS application requirements?: Yes Applicant's Signature: Please sign with your TxDPS name:
  6. Yesterday
  7. Trooper Details Trooper’s Name: Jonny Decker Badge Number: 151 Department: Highway Patrol Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 15/06/24 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY):23/06/24 Reason for Leave of Absence: Going away for a week
  8. Approved by SWAT Command as Senior Trooper @Peter Clark
  9. Trooper's name: Jason Jones Rank: Aux trooper Badge Number: 766 Time in Grade: 18 Current Department: Aux Trooper Desired Department: SWAT
  10. Approved by Admin Command, waiting on JTF Command
  11. PENDING This Transfer Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Adam Mada Daniel Youngblood, TxDPS Human Resources
  12. Last week
  13. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 14/6/24 Dan Daisy, TxDPS Human Resources
  14. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Jabbers Macdonald Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 232 Department: CID Reason for Punishment: Class T Result of Punishment: ROFT Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Mark Snow Rank: Captain Badge Number: 113 Department: CID Trooper's Signature: M. Snow
  15. Approved by Alex Red, Alex is going to be running it by Dan, waiting on a response from Adam Mada
  16. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Lee Hedgepeth Rank: Sr Trp Badge Number: 259 Time in Grade: 14 Current Department: JTF Desired Department: Admin Services Reason: Was offered the full time position when I came back to PD and have decided to take command up with the offer Trooper's Signature: Lee Hedgepeth
  17. Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by JTF-TCommand - 14/06/2024 Jokko Saunters, TxDPS JTF-T Command
  18. Trooper Details Trooper’s Name: John Saterelli Badge Number: 217 Department: JTF Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 13-06-2024 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 20-06-2024 Reason for Leave of Absence: Moved out and school is getting tough, don't have time to balance my hours along with everything IRL.
  19. Trooper’s Name: Liam Smem Badge Number: BP-238 Department: JTF Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 13/06/2024 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 10/08/2024 Reason for Leave of Absence: deploying on military exercise for a while.
  20. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 06/10/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  21. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Alex O'Connor Rank: MSGT -> SGT Badge Number: 142 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Class W Result of Punishment: Demotion to SGT Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Peter Clark & Tyroney White Rank: Col, Acting Capt. Badge Number: 100 , 124 Department: SC Trooper's Signature P. Clark
  22. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 09-JUN-2024 Daniel Youngblood, TxDPS Human Resources
  23. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Alex O'Connor Rank: Master Sergeant Badge Number: 142 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Classified Result of Punishment: 1x WW Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Tyroney White Rank: Lt Badge Number: 124 Department: SWAT Trooper's Signature: T. White
  24. Earlier
  25. This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 6/8/24 Lee Hedgepeth, TxDPS Human Resources
  26. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Mustafa Madbully Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 258 Department: JTF Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3017 Result of Punishment: Contract Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, Jacob Winters, Mark Snow, Peter Clark Rank: Sergeant, LT, CPT, Colonel Badge Number: 179, 127, 113, 100 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  27. ON HOLD Marked INACTIVE on database. Will stay on hold until the trooper meets required hours and is marked ACTIVE Jackson Black, Highway Patrol Command
  28. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Matt Back Rank: Snr Trooper Badge Number: 234 Time in Grade: 35 Current Department: JTF Desired Department: Highway Patrol Reason: I feel like I have done all I can in JTF, with completing personal goals and goals of the department, I want to start a new chapter in my life within my DPS journey, and complete new personal goals within Highway Patrol and explore new different opportunities that DPS offers. I did my time for my points, now I want to move on and learn, grow, and excel in Patrol. Trooper's Signature: Matt Back
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