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Matt Pad

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About Matt Pad

  • Birthday July 23

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  1. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Sam Walker Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: 252 Department: Administrative Services Reason for Punishment: Pending outcome of IA Investigation Result of Punishment: Suspended Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost Rank: Sergeant Badge Number: 179 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: Matt Frost
  2. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: James Maddison Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 650 Department: Aux Reason for Punishment: Pending outcome of IA Investigation Result of Punishment: Suspension Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost Rank: Sergeant Badge Number: 179 Department: CID Internal Affairs Trooper's Signature:
  3. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Mustafa Madbully Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 258 Department: JTF Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3017 Result of Punishment: Contract Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, Jacob Winters, Mark Snow, Peter Clark Rank: Sergeant, LT, CPT, Colonel Badge Number: 179, 127, 113, 100 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  4. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Auzzie Wilson Rank: Corporal Badge Number: 203 Department: Highway Patrol Reason for Punishment: Classification B Result of Punishment: 5 points Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost Rank: Sergeant Badge Number: 179 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  5. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Martinez Red Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: 268 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3014 Result of Punishment: Contract Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, Jacob Winters, Mark Snow, South West Rank: Sergeant, LT, CPT, Major Badge Number: 179, 127, 113, 103 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  6. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Yash Kunal Rank: Corporal Badge Number: 328 Department: Administrative Services Reason for Punishment: Classification K Result of Punishment: 1x Written Warning Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost Rank: Corporal Badge Number: 253 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  7. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Jordan Sullivan Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: 294 Department: JTF Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3010 Result of Punishment: Contract Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, East West, Mark Snow, South West Rank: Corporal, LT, CPT, Major Badge Number: 253, 126, 113, 103 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  8. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Ryan East Rank: Senior Trooper Badge Number: 283 Department: Highway Patrol Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3008 Result of Punishment: 2x Written Warnings Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, East West, Mark Snow Rank: Corporal, LT, LT Badge Number: 253, 126, 127 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  9. I agree with everything here except for labs. I think there should be some decent weapons in there as its kinda high risk high reward sort of deal. Since you cant loot players the only way to "farm guns" in labs is to find them which from my experience in 5.5 is mainly just pistols are rarely class 2s (deagles and revos).
  10. Name: Matt Pad/FrostMain role on the server: MSP Paperwork Captain/very dumb reaper manTime at ANZUS: jusy shy of 2 yearsOpinions on each rule and what you voted: Q: All cop response numbers to major crimes, minor crimes, any situation are removed from the rules. It will be up to PD command to decide how/what they want with the idea of fairness in mind.A: I dont really mind either one as from a cop perspective some majors can be very annoying (especially if someone holds an OP area) but from a civ perspective getting bomb rushed by 30 cops when you are doing a 8 man casino dosent sound fun.Q: No limit on groups, you can be in a group more than 8 during all initiations. (LEO AND CIV)A: I said yes to this one as it really sucks getting left out because your gang is too big and recently cops have been very good to not send all cops to a firefight between cops v civQ: You do not need a roleplay reason to rob people doing illegal runs.A: I think that if you are doing an illegal run you should expect people to try and rob you. I remember back in 3.0 whenever i would do runs i would hid and wait for someone to come initiate and shoot them. very good times.Q: You do not need a roleplay reason to initiate on someone except 500m from a green zone.A: I dont really mind what happens with this one as i can see both sides Acknowledgement that you've taken a spoonful of concrete: Did it day one of me being on anzus
  11. keep the trial ruleset. over this weekend this is the most fun i have had in a while tbh (from both cop and civ perspective)
  12. Your name: Matt Pad/Matt Frost Your age: 18 Do you agree that applying for testing means you're willing to put A LOT of hours into testing runs, scripts and helping developers when they need a testing partner? yes
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