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  3. Trooper Details Trooper’s Name: Jonny Decker Badge Number: 151 Department: Highway Patrol Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 15/06/24 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY):23/06/24 Reason for Leave of Absence: Going away for a week
  4. Date: [15-June-2024] Trooper Details Troopers Name: Mario Walker Badge Number: 219 Department: JTF-T Current Rank: Corporal Current Time in Grade (TIG): 31 New Rank: Sergeant New Badge Number: 164 Reason for the promotion/demotion: Deemed Fit accepted loi Promoting/Demoting Trooper's Details Name: Adam Mada, Alshiq Fatarra Rank: Captain, Major Badge Number: 111, 102 Trooper's Signature: Alshiq Fatarra
  5. Approved by SWAT Command as Senior Trooper @Peter Clark
  6. Trooper's name: Jason Jones Rank: Aux trooper Badge Number: 766 Time in Grade: 18 Current Department: Aux Trooper Desired Department: SWAT
  7. Approved by Admin Command, waiting on JTF Command
  8. PENDING This Transfer Request is now Pending Waiting for Division Command Approval @Adam Mada Daniel Youngblood, TxDPS Human Resources
  9. Yesterday
  10. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 14/6/24 Dan Daisy, TxDPS Human Resources
  11. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Jabbers Macdonald Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 232 Department: CID Reason for Punishment: Class T Result of Punishment: ROFT Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Mark Snow Rank: Captain Badge Number: 113 Department: CID Trooper's Signature: M. Snow
  12. Approved by Alex Red, Alex is going to be running it by Dan, waiting on a response from Adam Mada
  13. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Lee Hedgepeth Rank: Sr Trp Badge Number: 259 Time in Grade: 14 Current Department: JTF Desired Department: Admin Services Reason: Was offered the full time position when I came back to PD and have decided to take command up with the offer Trooper's Signature: Lee Hedgepeth
  14. Trooper's Details Troopers Name: Sam Walker Your Rank: S Trooper Your Department: Admin Services Your Badge Number: A-17 _______________________________________________ Discipline Information Punishing Trooper: Peter Clark Their Rank: Colonel Their Badge Number: 100 Punishment you where given: 5 points Link to punishment report: _________________________________________________ Please provide in detail on what happened?: I have disrecpected another trooper over freq. Why should your punishment be overturned?: I have learned from it. I spoke to the SWAT member and understood couple of things and we sorted it out. Do you agree not to message a Major+ to review your appeal?: Yes Do you have any evidence to support your dispute? (Video strongly recommended): Nope
  15. Approved This Report is now Approved Approved by JTF-TCommand - 14/06/2024 Jokko Saunters, TxDPS JTF-T Command
  16. Last week
  17. Trooper Details Trooper’s Name: John Saterelli Badge Number: 217 Department: JTF Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 13-06-2024 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 20-06-2024 Reason for Leave of Absence: Moved out and school is getting tough, don't have time to balance my hours along with everything IRL.
  18. Trooper’s Name: Liam Smem Badge Number: BP-238 Department: JTF Leave Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 13/06/2024 Return Date (DD-MMM-YYYY): 10/08/2024 Reason for Leave of Absence: deploying on military exercise for a while.
  19. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 06/10/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  20. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Alex O'Connor Rank: MSGT -> SGT Badge Number: 142 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Class W Result of Punishment: Demotion to SGT Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Peter Clark & Tyroney White Rank: Col, Acting Capt. Badge Number: 100 , 124 Department: SC Trooper's Signature P. Clark
  21. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 09-JUN-2024 Daniel Youngblood, TxDPS Human Resources
  22. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Alex O'Connor Rank: Master Sergeant Badge Number: 142 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Classified Result of Punishment: 1x WW Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Tyroney White Rank: Lt Badge Number: 124 Department: SWAT Trooper's Signature: T. White
  23. This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 6/8/24 Lee Hedgepeth, TxDPS Human Resources
  24. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Mustafa Madbully Rank: Trooper Badge Number: 258 Department: JTF Reason for Punishment: Result of IA Case #3017 Result of Punishment: Contract Termination Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Matt Frost, Jacob Winters, Mark Snow, Peter Clark Rank: Sergeant, LT, CPT, Colonel Badge Number: 179, 127, 113, 100 Department: CID/IA Trooper's Signature: M. Frost
  25. Earlier
  26. ON HOLD Marked INACTIVE on database. Will stay on hold until the trooper meets required hours and is marked ACTIVE Jackson Black, Highway Patrol Command
  27. Trooper Details: Trooper's name: Matt Back Rank: Snr Trooper Badge Number: 234 Time in Grade: 35 Current Department: JTF Desired Department: Highway Patrol Reason: I feel like I have done all I can in JTF, with completing personal goals and goals of the department, I want to start a new chapter in my life within my DPS journey, and complete new personal goals within Highway Patrol and explore new different opportunities that DPS offers. I did my time for my points, now I want to move on and learn, grow, and excel in Patrol. Trooper's Signature: Matt Back
  28. COMPLETED This Punishment Report is now Completed Processed by Administrative Services - 06/05/2024 Alex Red, TxDPS Human Resources
  29. Punishing Trooper Details Troopers Name: Ethan Puddles Rank: Corporal Badge Number: 222 Department: SWAT Reason for Punishment: Classified Result of Punishment: 5 Points Authorizing Trooper Details Trooper's Name: Tyroney White Rank: Lt Badge Number: 124 Department: SWAT Trooper's Signature: T. White
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