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  1. As a completely new player i just want to say that a full economy wipe will feel much more welcoming to myself and people in my position.
    10 points
  2. The people that don't check forums for reports on themselves getting banned for not responding to reports (some people salt report super petty shit, you know who you are) if they are not private then your friends can let you know your being reported as well, not everyone has forums tab open for performance or notis for forum @'s
    4 points
  3. For takistan purge, my opinion is that we make it full KOS under some circumstances, like no shooting in rebel, near shops, big towns like spawns etc (that was a big problem in 4.5 purge) and just overall no camping airfields because that's no fun if you're just getting shot any time you try to get a jet or leave. Maybe add those KOS zones back like we had in the kings county 4.0 purge.
    3 points
  4. Hello everyone! Appreciate the patience with 4.5, we are nearly at the stage of final testing for everything so its just around the corner.Before every big update we like to do a community vote on several large changes that may effect the community and give people time to voice their words. I highly suggest people read the post and the replies before voting. We have already done a vote which the following were voted for here 1) Full economy and skills wipe - Final decision is no but we are doing a revote on just eco. 2) Class 3s back into rebel and crafting overhaul - Final decision is yes. 3) 500m KOS major crime rule returning - Final decision is yes on trial. 4) Change gang meta to Northern Island + Gang attire = a roleplay reason to gang gang - Final decision is yes on trial. Thank you to everyone who commented on the thread giving your opinion, your opinion does matter and I read every single message and take it into consideration before making changes. COMMUNITY POLLS V2 Question 1: Do we want to completely wipe just money? (You will keep your crafting, mining level etc and perks)DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: Same opinion as last time, I feel that an economy wipe will make 4.5 a lot more fun for everyone. You will still have your perks so making money isn't impossible. You will still have a reason to make money so stuff like laboratory, burglary and even the normal stuff will be more enjoyable if you have a reason to do it. Question 2: Do we want to add some sort of function such as a dice roll or a rock paper scissors for majors for any major that lasts longer than 30mins? TLDR: If a major is at a standpoint where the cops are holding and the civilians are holding and no one plans to push, one side loses a 50/50 and has to push.DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: I am 50/50 on this one as I push because I don't have gear/loss fear. Question 3: Do we want player reports on the forums to be completely anonymous/private? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: I think yes because some people don't report when they need to purely because they're scared of backlash, I believe this will also reduce salt reporting. Question 4: Did you prefer the map layout of Kings Peaks or Kings County? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: This is purely out of curiosity after Matt Dahrks post, you can only vote the top two if you played both, if you've only played 4.0 vote the 3rd one thanks. Question 5: Do you want Takistan to go full Purge with unlimited money, levels and jets? DO NOT VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD AND REPLIESMy opinion: I don't care, its whatever the community wants.
    2 points
  5. -1 for wipe. From the people I have talked to, a LOT of people are going to quit if we wipe. Don't think the benefits out way the fact that we're going to lose active players. Most of the people who are voting yes are new or their cop mains. Losing active civs is bad for everyone on the server. And any new players that joined who voted yes, aren't guaranteed to stick around, so we as a community should take this vote with a grain of salt.
    2 points
  6. Class 3’s back to rebel confirmed
    2 points
  7. have ya read anything about new update?
    2 points
  8. i feel like a eco wipe would make some people less wanting to play cause we been grinding and theirs no reason to wipe half way in 4.0 why not wait till 5.0
    2 points
  9. Dont make civs have to push they hold the major for a reason cops should have to push that's why they have things like shields to help them and civs dont
    2 points
  10. 1. I don’t think a money wipe is needed with 5.0 right around the corner, the fact that people have so much that a wipe is being brought up means new players will have plenty of time to get as much. 2. I think it would be cool if maybe what ever side pushed got a bonus of some kind. That way no one is forced to push but you are then incentivized to push 3. Yeah why not. 4. Kings county ngl it just has a different feel, maybe that’s nostalgia but idk 5. Yeah taki was cool but the pop is way down so it’s not as much fun
    2 points
  11. While many of us may have nostalgic feelings about the 3.0 Kings County map, myself included, nostalgia always means you remember the past in a rosy, positive light. When I looked back on some videos from 3.0, I realized just how flawed the whole map was and how annoying driving on it was. It is true that the 4.0 Kings Peaks map felt like a loop, but this was mainly at the beginning when there was no way to go through the middle, now this is possible due to the middle being opened up. There is a jump bridge, a way to go south from NASA, and a way to go West from the Capitol. Today the 4.0 Kings Peaks map is a pretty good one, the devs have already done a phenomenal job with updates to it so far, it would do better from being tweaked rather than being thrown away wholesale. Not to mention that the novelty of the 3.0 map would wear off quickly and would become dull even faster because many ANZUS players have already played on it for a year, the current 4.0 map isn't as old, factoring in all the changes to the map layout that have already happened.
    2 points
  12. I don’t mind an economy wipe at all really, as I think it’ll revitalize some unused/uncommon functions like drug box drops in the ocean or give a lot of use to the new burglary system for example. I think a dice roll is honestly a bad idea, just because it seems so dumb to make a side be forced to suicide their whole team. I think the fundamental issue here is how majors are constructed in the first place, with indoor CQC in mind. Most majors make more sense to fight it out instead of stage this massive getaway plan. I’d love to see majors have a more “heist” feel to them and involve more open spaces in the outdoors. I do believe you have something like this in mind with the Aurora Labs concept of a different type of major/crime activity and things we haven’t even seen yet. I would be against hiding player reports, there’s a real value with transparency of how everything is handled. The transparency of seeing the results gives me peace of mind that issues are handled fairly. Being completely honest, I’m not a fan of the Kings Peaks map set up. Something about it seems off and the circular feel of the whole map made me feel tired of it quick. The pure infrastructure of Kings County roads and overpasses provided a much more satisfying look. I honestly wouldn’t mind some sort of new map that incorporated some of the aesthetics of Kings County but new at the same time with different cities and such. I also really enjoyed how each road had a name. No offense to the map developers but I just don’t believe Kings Peaks was a finished concept ever and I truly believe that map isn’t as enjoyable as Kings County because of how the map is set up. For Takistan, I don’t really play it, either way is fine. Thanks for reading!
    2 points
  13. No.1 I have said this many times now. I think most people will vote yes this time round for the semi-wipe. Change the perk system back to old 3.0 or make it easier to get lvls & perk points. Hell if you made it easier to get lvls and perk points most people wil lbe happy with wipe... I've been on lvl 60-70 or smthing for the past 2months.... Question 2. Cops should push. Sorry for some to hear but your loadout is so cheap compared to civs. Its high risk high reward. Taki has proven me that reagrdles of numbers you can win with the right use of equipment. Just dont think that rushing every time is the best option. Question 3. I think something good with ANZUS is the fact that it is TRANSPARANT. If someone wishses to remain anonymous i think people could make discord tickets allowing for such and only Mod+ or SM+ can review it etc.
    2 points
  14. Personally, never interacted with someone to purchase a Class 3 on 4.0 - before or after auction house. Gangs had individual crafters, and with Auction house, now I really never talk to anyone to buy one. If some guns are restricted to crafters only, and auction house is maybe removed or limited to force player interaction to obtain those guns, it could even increase player interaction for guns.
    1 point
  15. One of the best things w forum reports are the fact that they are transparent and open to the public to see how everything is handled and make sure nothing wonky is going on behind the scene. IMO I think that all reports should be done on the forum in a controlled environment where bias would be easier to be spotted. -1 since this is only a cheap way of being able to hide behind the privacy when handing out punishments
    1 point
  16. Full eco wipe will blow cock. My view of it at the moment is currently I just poured a bunch of time into grinding for GPU's and gear the past month or two. So in a sense I'm invested into the server. If it wipes I much rather just go play tarkov or something else start fresh on a new game. Might just be me but that's how I see it.
    1 point
  17. Jason has a huge point here, outdoor combat is the best when it comes to large groups fighting each other. We had this experience in 3.0 with USCG's USAF and NASA majors, however the layout of external majors usually makes them more difficult for civs (as they can't just camp indoors) so response numbers like +5 are needed. The solution to the major problem is not as simple as making a dice roll, it is a nuanced issue. Overall, majors with external fights are best for everyone, and an honorable mention for majors with well-designed and large layouts like Embassy. When it comes to civs doing major crimes, don't complain that cops don't instantly push into all-internal holds like the Lab that civs do back-to-back over and over, surprise them with a counter push or set up external positions to ambush them. If cops have fair equipment to overcome the significant defender's advantage that is holding an angle on a door/hallway in Arma 3, then cops will push more often. One thing I think can help is a different shield, I was using this shield during majors in Takistan, usually Lab but also Knox and National bank, it is the Ballistic Shield that comes with an M9, it obviously has somewhat more of an advantage because the shield-user can shoot, it is a crappy gun with relatively low clip capacity, firerate, and damage compared to other pistols, but it is something. The shield seems to be wider but also shorter, better for pushes into death hallways but making it fair for civs when cops try to use it going up/down stairs. It was definitely not OP at all, I was really testing the capabilities of the shield so I was very aggressive with it in Takistan and usually lost way more majors than we won, but cops were always ready to push right away, and usually when I showed up we would do a push within just a few minutes instead of making the civs wait a long time while we tried to figure out some tactic or just tried to hold. As time goes on civs will learn to counter the shield even more (eg. holding on right instead of left to have better cover in a hallway from the shield, as the gun is on the right side of the shield), but most importantly cops and civs can expect to push quickly. I found it was worse than the regular shield when going up/down stairs, because of how short it is, and I often got headshotted or shot in the legs if I tried to do that, but it was a slight improvement over the old shield for moving through death corridors. Due to it being short I also got shot more often in the legs while moving at all, and I got shot in the arm as well because of the pistol aiming out the side, but it still gave cops more confidence to push, even sometimes when it didn't help, and so I think changes like adding another shield can increase the pace of internal majors. Careful solutions like that shield, changing up majors to have more external combat, and others will have a better effect instead of a dice roll. The 500m KOS major crime rule returning is already going to encourage more external combat as cops can't move up to the building pre-combat. When it comes to the dice roll, it may dull majors, as any strategy/tactics civs and cops try to attempt or use will just be wasted because once it has been 30 minutes from the civs popping off the major, one side will have to push out. People may come to expect the dice roll and all majors may just take at least 30 minutes as everyone waits for it instead of players taking initiative. This can also really change SERT, CRT, and MSRT tactics as the dice roll gets factored into how majors are done, as cops come to expect the dice roll, it can be tricky for cops to be told to push before 30 mins by spec ops, as simply waiting 30 minutes can mean the civs have to push out, or at 30 minutes cops have to push anyway so then the spec ops plan is put into action. I think a 50/50 dice roll even makes it worse for civs as cops are the ones pushing in about 70-80% of the time after long holds.
    1 point
  18. so for me for the first one I feel that there should be a full wipe of everything not just money I feel as there should be a wipe of levels and perk points as well more for the reason that when new people come onto the server after the update they still have a chance. while people that grind really hard already will already have those perk points and it will basically be very easy to make money because you will still have uranium unlocked moonshine to those people that have high levels etc it will be so easy for people that have played before to make money.
    1 point
  19. The money one is going to have the community divided, mainly because some people are in a spot where they were wanting to finally spend some money on nice things, but the end of 4.4 hit before that. Then, you have people that won’t be nearly as affected, because they may have never grinded hard. Then there’s Parker (F). I’d say hold the money wipe, and allow a week or two for people to settle into 4.5. Give some of the people who have worked hard already to get a house first. Even after that, a full money wipe seems a little much to me. Is there a possibility to do a partial money wipe, such as taking a percent of everyones total money out, so that it’s almost like a rollback?
    1 point
  20. I agree with question one I thonk just a money wipe will make 4.5 feel a lot better. Find new ways to make more cash than we did before but with that being said. Will you still need to pay the bank back your loan beore 4.5 hit or will it be like a soft wipe were all your stuff is gone and you start a new person but with the same iq knowlege as before. If that makes any sense. Majors are majors for me as long as im not sitting there for 2 hours im fine with the 30mins dice roll thing. Player reports I dont really care on that whole thing so what ever the community wants im fine with. Haven't really played kings county but like with the question before this one im fine with what the community wants Taki with purge would make it 10x better so nobody would really have any rules besides the common rules. I would enjoy it because i Love my sugar and bombs.
    1 point
  21. I do think there should be a wipe at 5.0 but not at each half mark cause 6 months is not very long
    1 point
  22. You can do "heists", just grab hostages and ask for completion/free passage and fight outdoors, gives more stuff for HWP to do too
    1 point
  23. I mean DOC is making like 10k a pay check
    1 point
  24. A wipe will hurt the player base of the server, When i joined anzus and had to do runs for 2 weeks straight and wasn't even at a mill i burnt myself out so bad, If it eco wipes i doubt i will be playing much. I think the 50/50 rule will make majors so much better i.e (eliminating roaching), PR's i think need to be public to show what players break rules in a situation or are being reported for being toxic. The rest i don't care about at all.
    0 points
  25. I don't want a wipe now halfway through the year, with 5.0 being probably not even that far away, I generally don't like the idea of wiping so often, I'd rather only do it on a yearly basis. It is understandable that some cool features were developed, that would benefit from that, but I couldn't really see myself doing all these runs again, if we were to wipe.
    -1 points
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